Part 7: Lightning Strikes



Jack should’ve known.  These people delayed him long enough for the Lord of Storms to pinpoint his exact location and send his goons to fetch him.  He’d let his guard down.  The Lord of Storms had been using his lightning bolts as feelers, searching for him, but Jack had always managed to take off before the ninjas got hold of him.  He’d had a few close calls, but this time he’d stayed too long.  “What did he promise you for your help?  Power?  Wealth?  Don’t count on living long enough to collect.  He doesn’t like loose ends.”


Zane and Zoe turned to him in unison.  “Get it through your thick head that we don’t work for this Lord of Storms!  We don’t even know him!  Now get down, be quiet, and let us fight!”


Jack was stunned and found himself doing exactly that.


Everyone suited up, ready to fight.  Ryo and White Blaze ran at the ninjas.  “We need to push them outside!  There’s no room to maneuver in here.”


Gilgamesh crossed his battle-axes in front of himself.  “Move aside, Wilfire.  SONIC SHOUT!  HHHEEEAAAA!”  Gilgamesh’s Sonic Shout smashed a hole through the wall and blew all the ninjas out of the dining room.


Mia couldn’t believe it.  “Thanks a lot, Gilgamesh!  I wasn’t planning on renovating this part of the house!”


“They’re outside, are they not?”


The sky was as dark with clouds as the grounds outside Mia’s house were dark with ninjas.  They were everywhere.  Their katanas sizzled with electrical energy.


Rowen shot off arrows without hesitation.  He was fast enough to catch several ninjas right off.  His “Shockwave” blasts kept them jumping. 


Zane and Zoe kept the ninjas off balance by flipping the Armor of Tundra’s power back and forth between them, throwing deadly ice spears in all directions.


Ryo, Kento, Sai, and Gilgamesh had an advantage over the others because their powers had wider dispersal.  They didn’t need to catch each individual ninja—they could just blast a wide area and take out several at once.  Then they moved in for the up-close, hand-to-hand fighting.  Gilgamesh, especially, liked close combat.  He preferred meeting the enemy at arms-length, trading blow for blow.  He swung his huge battle-axes, yelling like a berserker.  White Blaze was also going wild, taking out his fair share of ninjas up close and personal.


Astarte and Trace were tag-teaming.  With inhuman speed and agility, she would zap a few with her laser energy and maneuver others into position for Trace to ensnare them with mystically strong plants and vines.


“THUNDER BOLT CUT!”  Sage tried to zap the ninjas, but his strikes fizzled against their lightning katanas.  Their powers were both lightning based and seemed to cancel each other out.  He moved in, fighting metal-to-metal, no-datchi against katanas.


Mia was also fighting hands-on with her shadow katana.  The ninjas were fast, but when Mia went with the flow of her armor she could almost sense their next moves.  She would be ready for their next attacks before they even started the motions.  She saw Anubis out of the corner of her eye, powering up.  She waited until the last second before she leaped out of the way, giving him a clear shot.


The Ronins had never seen the Armor of Chaos in action.  They were in for a surprise.


“CHAOS FURY!”  Anubis’s spinning scythe created a small black hole of energy that caught everything in its path.  Even the air and objects around it seemed distorted by its power as he blasted at a group of ninjas with it.  Time seemed to slow down for those caught within its swirling energy.  Their bodies were pulled and crunched, twisted and stretched until they blew apart in tiny fragments. 


Mia had seen the “Chaos Fury” used on spirits and shadow beings before, but never on bone and flesh.  It was…unnerving to say the least.  Mia took out the last of the ninjas fighting her and looked around.  All of the ninjas lay scattered on the lawn.  The Sentinels and the Ronins stood in silence, catching their breath.