Part 13: Shadows of Fate



Skadi gave Zane a special drink that would make him stronger.  “I know you are still weak, but the worst of your injuries are healed.  We have to get you out of here before dawn.”


“Why are you helping me?”


“I do not believe what Odin is doing is right.  His losses have blinded him to the truth.  You are not Loki.”


“How can you be sure?  The dreams…Even I’m not exactly sure anymore.”


Gudrun slipped into the room.  “Perhaps a part of you was Loki once, but you are Zane now.  Do not forget that.  You may be forced to prove that with your actions.  Be as you have always been and the truth will be evident.”


“Gudrun, you said you had a way for us to get Zane out of the palace.”


Gudrun walked over to the north wall.  She placed her hands on the stones and concentrated.


Footsteps.  Skadi gasped.  “Oh, no!  Someone’s coming!  Whatever you’re doing, do it quickly!”


The stones of the wall slid open under Gudrun’s touch to reveal a passageway.  Skadi stood open-mouthed.  “Where did that come from?  Gudrun?  We all built this place together.  How could there be hidden passageways?”


Gudrun smiled mysteriously.  “I suggest the two of you leave quickly.  Take every left passage you encounter.  That should lead you to the outside.  Zane’s sister and friends are on their way.  Go!”


Skadi and Zane slipped into the dark opening and disappeared.  Gudrun touched the open stone door, concentrating on making it shut.  It slowly started to slide.  Odin, Balder, and two of Gudrun’s uncle’s burst into the room.  The hidden doorway had not yet completely gone shut.  Odin grabbed Gudrun’s arm and yanked her furiously away from the wall.  “Heimdall, Volstag!  Find them!  Balder, you will stay by my side.”  The two men pried the door open and hurried off into the tunnels.  Odin snarled at Gudrun.  “Secret tunnels?  You and your sister shame us all!  That two daughters of Balder would side with the Betrayer!” 


Gudrun did not show any concern over Odin’s anger.  She met his hot stare with one of her own.

“Kill Zane now

murderer you’ll be

so vengeance-bent

you cannot see.


Grief and anger

cloud your mind

your energies spent

to seek, to find.


Zane’s life in danger

he flees this place

you sense Loki’s presence

you give chase.


But Zane is not

the one you hate

you kill him now

you’ll seal your fate.”


Odin shook her furiously.  “Unnatural child!  Now you even speak like those cursed Norns who plague us with their guessing games and half-truths!  Where have Skadi and the Traitor gone?  Answer me!”  Odin raised a clenched fist.


Balder grabbed Odin’s arm.  There was fire in his eyes, but Balder’s voice was cold like ice.  “You are my father and my king.  But you will not strike my daughter because you are a madman possessed.  Let go of her.”


Never had Balder questioned or disobeyed his father.  Odin released Gudrun in surprise.  He stared at Balder for what seemed like forever.  “No true warrior of our people would do anything to help Loki escape.  Stay here with this...child.  I do not trust you at my back.”  He turned and went into the passageways after Heimdall and Volstag.


Gudrun looked up at her father with tears in her eyes.  “I’m sorry.  I couldn’t help myself.”


“I know, little one.  This is not your fault.  None of it is.  Somehow we must stop this madness.  Come.”  He took her hand and the two of them followed Odin into the tunnels.


Skadi and Zane stumbled through the dark passages, hearing the sounds of running footsteps echo around them.  The walls seemed to flicker with an eerie glow every once in a while.  Skadi and Zane stopped dead in their tracks as a bit of light glinted off the blade of a sword.


Skadi could see Heimdall’s face as he moved closer.  “Uncle.  Please let us go.  What Odin is doing is wrong.  This man has done nothing to us.  He is not Loki!”


Volstag’s voice sounded from the darkness as well.  “Poor girl!  You have been fooled by him.  That is how he lives his life—trickery and lies.  Do not be ashamed.  We have all been guilty of this at one time or another.  Stand aside and let us have him.”


“I can’t do that, Uncle.  Gudrun knows the truth as well.  You trust her don’t you?  You know she has the sight.  Talk to her if you don’t believe me.”  She could see that they were uncertain.  Perhaps they had a chance…


Odin’s voice boomed through the passageway.  “Skadi has betrayed us!  She willingly sides with Loki.  Perhaps he offered her something in return for her aid.  Whatever her reasons, she would betray us all for him!  And Gudrun…She is a strange child.  You know that half of the things she utters make no sense.  Do not be fooled, my sons!  This is Loki and he would kill us all if given the chance.  Remember the suffering and indignities he has heaped upon us?  Do not forget what he and his kind did to us at Ragnarok.”


Zane shook his head.  “You want to sit in your palace and play god—fine, whatever.  I have no interest in your or your problems.  I don’t think I’ve even met you before yesterday.  I just want to go home and pretend none of this ever happened.”


“You will not escape my wrath!  Your fate is in my hands this time!  Take them both!”


Balder and Gudrun ran up.  “NO!  Not my daughter!”


“She has sided with the Traitor.  She must also be punished.”


Heimdall and Volstag hesitated.  They didn’t want to hurt their own niece.  “We will…detain her.”


Zane knew he couldn’t fight them.  He was weak and weaponless.  Skadi might get hurt if he tried.  He stepped in front of her.  “She doesn’t know what’s going on here.  I tricked her into helping me.  The only thing’s she’s guilty of is being too trusting.”


“Zane!  No!”


“Shut up, Skadi.”  He turned to Odin.  “Let her go peacefully.  I surrender.”


Odin rushed him and struck him in the face with the pommel of his sword.  Zane fell, dazed.  “Forget Skadi!  She does not matter now.  Take him to the throne room.”  Volstag and Heimdall grabbed him by the arms and dragged him away.  Odin followed without a glance or a word for Balder and his daughters.


Balder had been struggling with the question of Zane’s identity.  Now all his doubts disappeared.  He knew for certain that Zane was not Loki.  Loki would never have given himself up to aid another.  He’d only ever done things to save his own worthless hide.


Skadi threw herself into his arms.  “Oh, Father.  What are we going to do?”


“Whatever we can to save an innocent man.”