Zane and Zoe—Armor of Tundra (persistence)



Background:  Zane and Zoe are twins with a unique psychic connection.  The two of them have always been able to communicate telepathically.  Other people, especially other children, regarded them as freaks.  Their odd coloring didn’t help.  The two of them are albinos with pale blue eyes, extremely fair skin, and white hair.  They often only had each other to talk to and play with because of the cruelty and callousness of people who didn’t understand them.  Their father’s cold, unloving presence was no comfort to the two lonely children.  Their mother had died giving birth to the two of them and a stillborn triplet brother.  Their father blamed them for her death and could barely stand the sight of them.  He took them from their birthplace in Norway to live in America then eventually moved to Japan.  Zane and Zoe spent their teen years there.  As a result of their father’s emotional distance, they spent a lot of time with their Uncle Ulmer at his cabin in Japan where he taught them about Norway.


The Armor of Tundra manifested itself when the two of them were watching their uncle’s cabin in Japan while he was on vacation.  Zane got the armor, but because of their connection, Zoe could also feel its power.  Astarte soon came looking for the Warrior of Tundra to make him her slave.  She mind-controlled Zane and they were about to leave when Zoe attacked her.  Zane speared his sister to protect Astarte.  Zoe later absorbed the spear with no injuries.  This was her first experience with using the armor’s power.  The Ronins and Sentinels found her, and with her help, discovered where Hecate, Astarte, and Kali were hiding.  Zoe was then instrumental in saving Rowen and her own brother’s life.  Despite the fact that she has no armor, Zoe refuses to be left behind when the Sentinels fight.  Zane seems to be the only one who has a problem with this.  With time and practice Zoe is learning how to draw on some of the armor’s abilities to create small weapons. 


It was also later revealed that Zane, Zoe, and their triplet brother who died were supposed to be vessels for the return of the Norse trickster god, Loki.  But all three were needed to make his resurrection come about.  Since only two of them lived, Loki could not return to the world of man.  In periods of great stress in their lives, however, the two of them would be plagued by vague memories of Loki’s imprisonment and torture.  Odin, king of the Norse gods, came looking for Zane, thinking he was Loki.  After Zane and Zoe defeated him in battle, they proved to him by their merciful and generous actions that they were not the evil Loki.


Good Traits: Both of them are very intelligent and have a great sense of humor.  They like to play practical jokes—especially Zoe, who has found a good match in the never-serious Kento.  Zane and Zoe are usually easy-going, even-tempered people unless someone is threatening their twin or their friends.  They are both highly creative and are always looking for new ways to use the armor.  This has created a friendly competition between the two.  Zoe seems to always be one step ahead of Zane in this department.  Because she doesn’t have the armor’s protection to fall back on, she’s had to be more inventive with the power she accesses.  But Zane always learns her new tricks quickly.


Bad Traits:  Zoe and Zane both have a strong stubborn streak that has caused discord between them on occasion—especially when it comes to Zoe’s insistence on always going into battle with the others.  The two of them have also been loners most of their life and had built up shells to protect themselves from getting hurt.  After an initial shyness, Zoe readily threw herself into friendships with the others—and into a relationship with Kento, who has a similar sense of humor.  Zane has not been so outgoing.  He and Kento have become friends, but Zane hasn’t quite made the connection with the others yet.  A major bone of contention between Zane and Zoe has to do with her acceptance of Astarte as a friend.  Zane might have forgiven Astarte for taking over his mind when she was their enemy, but she did it again later without his consent when they were supposed to be allies.  Her actions made him helpless and put Zoe’s life in danger.  Zoe is exasperated with the way Zane barely speaks to Astarte.  Zane just can’t bring himself to trust Astarte.


Abilities:  Zane and Zoe can speak to each other telepathically.  They can also locate each other through this link.  Zane wears the ice-blue and white Armor of Tundra.  With it he can create an endless supply of durable, deadly ice spears.  His sure-kill “Arctic Blast”, creates a horrific ice storm that trails the spears.  He can also freeze the ground in a line towards something and then have the ice leap up to encase it.  Zoe can do all the things Zane can do, but to a lesser degree.  When Zane was unconscious once, Zoe was able to actually wear the armor.  Their ability to form things out of ice may be limited only by their imagination.  Zoe was the first to try the encasing trick, which Zane soon used, too.  Zoe has also made an incredibly strong igloo/fort.  She recently made an ice sabre.  Zane will no doubt try making one in the future.



I did these two head shots of Zane and Zoe from Julie's tutorial site (see links page). I think I got the Ronin style down pretty good in these pictures. And you can see the humor in their expressions. I wasn't exactly sure how to do albino eyes and I couldn't find a good picture, so I just tried to make them a very light blue/white.