Toasty's WWF Smack Down

Hello Kiddies. No this isn't the next big WWF weekly show, it is the newest columnist working under Double M. Maybe you saw my mediocre start for writing this weeks RAW review. I think I would serve much better as an equal opportunity bitcher and complainer about what is wrong and right in the WWF.


I would like to congradulate Viacom and Titan Sports for making a really good union of the WWF and MTV. It was muatally profitable, and perhaps we may see more WWF stars on MTV, and less WCW.

Next up for congrats is Big Show. He is finally coming to do what we all wanted him to do, PISS US OFF. I think that him and the Undrtaker using their size, and The Undertakers skill, (Cause we know where the skill is non-existent in that group) to generally piss us all off. Good Form.

Another set of congrats to the fine gentlemen who made Kane and X-Pac win the Tag titles, maybe the tag division will get some real good wrestling, cause for a while, I was falling asleep.

Congrats to the writers for the Brood, cause it is good. At first I had my Doubts. But if we get better matches between lightheavywieghts like the remaining broodsters and the Hardy Boyz, then I would definetly pay a little more attention at the begining of Raw, and make less popcorn

And finally in my congrats section WWF writers. Another good Wrestler vs. Wrestler fued, The Rock, the Great one, the Peoples Champion (One of my favorite wrestlers) and Chris Jericho, Former Lion heart,(Another one of my favorites). Perhaps we will have a good long heated rivalry that will end in a real fight where the decision WILL be a toss-up. (Like we all didn't know Austin would win the title at Wrestlemania 15!!)


First, HHH. Hunter is playing a good Heel, but he needs to loose Chyna. We saw it on RAW. She is too much of a Wild Card for him to have if he wants a chance to win the Title and keep it.

Second, and it was really hard to do this, but to Stone Cold Steve Austin. He gave the writers a lot of crap about his injury, and that is why he had nothing to do with that match in RAW untill the end. Austin is getting far too big for his britches. YOUR JOB IS TO WRESTLE, NOT TO CREATE A CARD AROUND YOURSELF.

Next, to the Hardcore writers. I am so sorry, but get something new. Find somebody who is willing to risk his body, but is still semi-Sane. Al Snow is just too friggin retarted for me. adn Big Bossman is older than the crust in Gerald Brisco's Diapers, so loose him too.

Finally, a big ass frown to Sable. You bad monkey. You and your lame ass husband signed a shitty deal, and now you are gonna SUE? I have no problem with the Harts Sueing the WWF, cause they screwed up, but sueing the WWF cause you didn't like the deal you got. Well I got Two Words For Ya.. GET BENT!!!

What I could care less about

Mr. Ass (What a waste of time and money)
Jesse "The limp body" Ventura (What a waste of a Political mind)
Shawn Michaels (What a waste of talent)
Bob Holly (What a waste of flesh)
And all the stuff I cant remember, cause it wasn't that important

-Toasty (