My Personal Page
  DrDouger's profile

  about me
    This is my story. I am a student at an engineering college in New York and I will soon have my BS in Mechanical Engineering. Hopefully I will start making some real money! In my free time I like to work on one my cars. The one I am currently trying to build is a 1984 Buick Regal T-Type, sort of.
Actually I purchased the car back n 1991 and it was pretty much wrecked beyond fixing. What was the reason I bought it? It had a turbocharged engine in it which I wanted very much. I go through the story of this car in my links. The picture to the right, although not my car, is what my car would have looked like when it was new. Check it out!

  your picture here


I live about 40 minutes outside of Albany, NY. One of my sisters works for IBM, and the other just passed her RN program and she is working as a nurse. My bother just received his Associates Degree in Computer Information Systems and is going on for his Bachelors Degree. His wife also just passed her RN program and is looking for work.


My friends are cool, but none of them seem to share the same love of cars as myself. I seem to hang out with different friends depending on what time of the year it is. Like soon I will probably be spending more time with the ones who like to ski.


As you could probably guess I like working on my cars, and I also pick up some car repair work for people who seem to get my name from someone who I did work for before. I enjoy skiing so the cold is no problem, most of the time. A bunch of the guys and I like to bowl about every other saturday night during the winter months. Hey, it's better that just sitting around partying. The summer is a time to camp out at a friends house across the brook. OK, it's not real camping, but it's still a lot of fun. Surfing the web is fun when I am at school, but to do it at home I find to be frustrating. The connection is so bad that I either can't get on, get kicked off all the time, or uploading websites is painfully slow. At school I think they have an ethernet connection or something really fast.