
Hello and welcome to a new poem. This poem was written for

school when we had projects on "Macbeth." It actually gives

a good plot summary. It's a sort of Cliff Note if

you choose to use it that way. Once again please help

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Macbeth is the thane that wants to be king,

because his ambitions are such an enormous thing.

When he visits the witches they say,

"you will be king in one day."

So he decides to kill the king,

with Lady Macbeth hearing the owl sing.

He kills Duncan and hurries out,

when the servants find out, they shout.

But that is the way it was in mid-evil times,

because being king was thought to be divine.

Once Macbeth is king he wants Banquo dead,

because Banquo is a threatening thought in Macbeth's head.

Finally in a blood thirsty demand,

Macbeth orders Macduff's family killed on his command,

But in the end Macbeth gets killed,

and that is how the plot is revealed.


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