The Tightwad Philosophy | ||||||||
"I went to the woods because I wished to live
deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could
not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that
I had not lived. I wanted to live deep and suck all the marrow of life
. . ."
-- Henry David Thoreau, from Walden
Live simply. Spend modestly. Invest for long-lasting pleasures. Consume wisely. Respect the environment. And prioritize life above work. Although counting pennies may seen spinster-ish, this awareness of personal
consumer habits and conservation of financial resources can actually liberate
you from economic dependence. A full savings account means that you can
work part-time, return to school, travel the world, or give generously
to others.
Techniques for Living Modestly | ||||||||
Join the Anti-Consumerism Movement | ||||||||
The Web Of Simplicity
offers a "free step-by-step resource guide for those who are serious about
learning to live a more conscious, simple, healthy and earth-friendly lifestyle."
The Dollar Stretcher site includes almost 1,000 practical articles and endless tips on the low-cost lifestyle. Subscribe to the Dollar Stretcher electronic newsletter. Just send an e-mail to: with the message "subscribe." Each weekly issue includes tips from subscribers and columns from experts. International Buy Nothing Day -- scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving each year -- is designed to combat shopping frenzy with a display of alternative values. The statistics collected on the web site "All-Consuming Passion: Waking Up From the American Dream" paint a frightening vision of obsessive consumption. The Unofficial
Tightwad Gazette Fan Club celebrates the philosophy of Amy Dacyczyn
lifestyle-changing newsletter and book series.