Executive Order No. 9066
LESSON FIVE:"In Response To Executive Order 9066:..." by Dwight Okita

 - To compare and contrast the message, style and voice of "Breaking Silence" and "In Response to Executive Order 9066:..."
and, based upon what they have learned during the unit, write their own letters protesting the Exective Order No. 9066.

 - When the students sit down read the poem "In Response To Executive Order 9066:..." out loud.

 - Ask the students these questions:
	1. Who is the person speaking?
	2. Can you relate to this person?

 - Divide the class into small groups of two or three people.

 - Have the groups compare and contrast the poems "Breaking Silence" and "In Response To Executive Order 
No. 9066:..." using a Ven Diagram.

 - What differences do they observe between the two?  Why do they think that they are different?
Explain their reasoning.

 - How has the fact that one poem is written in the point of view of a woman and the other in the
point of view of a teenager effected the message of the poem even though they are written about 
the same event?  Have the group discuss it.

 - Based upon what they have learned over the past couple of days, have the students write their
own letters of protest to a member of Congress protesting Executive Order No. 9066.  They are 
allowed to write their letters from any point of view that they choose (i.e. teenager, adult, 
senior citizen, etc.).  Give them an example of a proper heading and closing.

 - A few students read their letters to the class and the class discusses them, gives criticism,
and discuss the varying voices.

 - Ask the class as a whole what importance voice/character of the speaker played in the overall
feel of the poem.

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