Welcome to...
 Evangel Chapel's Home Page

Maybe you're already a part of our growing church family and just checking out our web site; or maybe you're one of those friends we haven't met yet who's looking for a church home. In either case 
...WELCOME to our home page. 

Evangel Chapel is a church that is excited about serving God in this generation. Through a variety of ministry means and opportunities we are growing in our faith and in our love for one another. 

    When you visit you'll find our church filled with people who come from different backgrounds, cultures, countries and customs. You'll find people of all different ages, shapes, size and colors.  You'll meet people who have different occupations and incomes, different likes and dislikes, and who come from a lot of different denominational backgrounds. 

Evangel Chapel  Bridgewater, N.J.

Please Sign our GuestbookGuestbook

But despite all of the differences, they have become "a family" ...the Evangel Chapel family. We'd love for you to become part of our family too! To understand what makes us different, you'll have to experience it for yourself. So please accept this invitation to visit with us whenever you can.  Once you visit, you'll want to stay. 
(Phone) 908 725-7777    (Fax) 908 725-7235 
 (Tonic for Tension) 908 725-0235 

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