Be still and know that I am God; Psalm 46:10. "Wait on the LORD, be of good courage, And he shall strengthen thine heart; Wait I say, on the LORD! Psalm 27:14 "


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....To Let Go....

To let go doesn't mean to stop caring;
It means I can't do it for someone else.

To let go is not to cut myself off....
It's the realization that I can't control another....

To let go is not to enable,
but to allow learning from natural consequences.

To let go is to admit powerlessness,
which means the outcome is not in my hands.

To let go is not to try and change or blame another,
I can only change myself.

To let go is not to care for, but to care about.

To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.

To let go is not to judge,
but to allow another to be a human being.

To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own outcomes.

To let go is not to be protective,
It is to permit another to face reality.

To let go is not to deny, but to accept.

To let go is not to nag, scold, or argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.

To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,
but to take each day as it comes and cherish the moment.

To let go is not to criticize and regulate anyone,
but to try to become what I dream I can be.

To let go is not to regret the past,
but to grow and live for the future.

To let go is to fear less and love more.
~ Author Unknown ~

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Just Let Go!
(A Spiritual Experience)
by Jacki

Spiritual experiences can happen in the most unusual ways and at the most unusual times! I believe they are all around us - if we just keep our eyes and hearts open and look for them!

For example, one day several years ago as I was driving to work, I noticed a little bug on the window of my car. The force of the wind hitting against the car was so strong - the little bug was holding on for dear life! His little wings were being ravaged by the "fierce winds", and he thought he had to fight and hold on so as not to be destroyed.

Looking down at him, I could clearly see his solution: Just LET GO! If he'd only let go and quit struggling, he'd have instant freedom! But from HIS point of view, he just couldn't see that letting go was the answer for him. I kept thinking, "Just let go, just let go!" Finally, after a lot of struggling, the little bug was just too weak to hold on any longer, and he did let go! I was so happy he was going to be okay! It was just too bad he didn't let go sooner and save himself all that struggling.

This idea was so profound, it immediately struck a chord in my own life! When I'm going through the "storms" in my life, my usual tendency is to hold on and struggle, worry, manipulate, and fight my way out of the storm myself. Then when I'm weary and tired and can see no other solution, I'm forced to let go and let God work things out HIS way! I believe God looks at me while I'm struggling and beckons me to JUST LET GO so HE can work it out - then, and only then, can I be free from the storm. Even though I can't see what lies ahead - God already knows what He has planned for my future and is holding me in the palm of His hand! I can, therefore, relax my control, trust that I'm being cared for, and live peacefully in the presence of infinite Love and Strength....

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Let Go and Let God is a
philosophy, one that
encourages us
to trust God in every
aspect of life!

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Letting Go

"Its just letting go," the wise one said.
"If you want to be at peace, if you want to feel the love of God in your heart, if you want to savor the present moment, then just let go of all the constraints you have put upon yourself."

"That's all there is to it."

"Simple, isn't it?"

The Challegne

But oh how difficult it is.

Years of personal experience, combined with centuries of cultural learning, have taught us the importance of holding on.
We hold on to our desires
We hold on to what we think we need.
We hold on to what promises us happiness.

We hold on to our possessions.
We hold on to our image of who we are
We hold on to our ideas of what is right.

We hold on to our theories.
We hold on to our beliefs.
We hold on to our attitudes.
We hold on to our judgements.

We hold on to the past
We hold on to the future.

We hold on to our grievances.
We hold on to our fears.
We hold on to our loves
We hold on to our lovers.

We hold on to money.

We hold on to our thoughts.
We hold on to our illusions.

We hold on to our gods.
We hold on to our bodies.
We hold on to our lives

But why do we hold on?

Why do we hold on?

Maybe we believe that our safety lies in holding on,
That losing our grip could spell disaster,
Or we may believe that holding on is the way to salvation.
But do we really know it is safer to hold on?
Would letting go really be so bad?
Do we really gain from holding on?

It is the role of the teacher to show us that such security is illusory.
That holding on only holds us back.
That our salvation lies in letting go.

Our holding on is a constraint we've placed upon ourselves.
It is an attitude, a way of thinking.
And our thinking - unlike the weather or the movements of the planets - is one thing we have complete control over.

The task of the teacher is to show us that we can change our minds, and that it is safe to do so.

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We are like a person holding on to a piece of rope.
He holds on for dear life, knowing that if he were to let go he would fall to his death. His parents, his teachers, and many others have told him this is so; and when he looks around he can see everyone else doing the same.

Nothing would induce him to let go.

Along comes a wise person. She knows that holding on is unnecessary, that the security it offers is illusory, and only holds you where you are. So she looks for a way to dispel his illusions and help him to be free.

She talks of real security, of deeper joy, of true happiness, of peace of mind. She tells him that he can taste this if he will just release one finger from the rope.

"One finger," thinks the man; "that"s not too much to risk for a taste of bliss." So he agrees to take this first initiation.

And he does taste greater joy, happiness, and peace of mind.

But not enough to bring lasting fulfillment.

"Even greater joy, happiness and peace can be yours," she tells him, "if you will just release a second finger."

"This," he tells himself, "is going to be more difficult. Can I do it? Will it be safe? Do I have the courage?" He hesitates, then, flexing his finger, feels how it would be to let go a little more . . . and takes the risk.

He is relieved to find he does not fall; instead he discovers greater happiness and inner peace.

But could more be possible?

"Trust me," she says. "Have I failed you so far? I know your fears, I know what your mind is telling you -- that this is crazy, that it goes against everything you have ever learnt -- but please, trust me. Look at me, am I not free? I promise you will be safe, and you will know even greater happiness and contentment."

"Do I really want happiness and inner peace so much," he wonders, "that I am prepared to risk all that I hold dear? In principle, yes; but can I be sure that I will be safe, that I will not fall?" With a little coaxing he begins to look at his fears, to consider their basis, and to explore what it is he really wants. Slowly he feels his fingers soften and relax. He knows he can do it. And he knows he must do it. It is only a matter of time until he releases his grip.

And as he does an even greater sense of peace flows through him.

He is now hanging by one finger. Reason tells him he should have fallen a finger or two ago, but he hasn"t. "Is there something wrong with holding on itself?" he asks himself. "Have I been wrong all the time?"

"This one is up to you," she says. "I can help you no further. Just remember that all your fears are groundless."

Trusting his quiet inner voice, he gradually releases the last finger.

And nothing happens.

He stays exactly where he is.

Then he realizes why. He has been standing on the ground all along.

And as he looks at the ground, knowing he need never hold on again, he finds true peace of mind.

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Let Go-Let God

Have you ever tried praying about it,
The problem that clouds your day?
Have you ever tried turning it over to God
And letting Him have His way?

Have you ever tried saying, "Your will be done"
And practised just letting go,
Knowing He'll guide you out of the fog
Of that problem that troubles you so?

You'll find He is ready to help you,
You need only open your heart:

He's waiting and willing to carry the load-
The" letting go" is your part.

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Inspiration in Despair

There is an inspirataion
To be found in deep despair
The heart in desperation
Will seek relief through prayer.
When all human aids have failed
And life is darkest night,
The eyes of man, instinctively,
Will turn toward the light.
The soul of man cries out for help
And finds that God is there-
There is an inspiration
To be found in deep despair.
by Helen Lowrie Marshall

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To let go is to fear less and love more.
To let go is to....LET GOD

To Love Sometimes Means ....
....To Let Go....
....God, help us to know when to Let Go....
Be it a Child or an Adult Relationship

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‘Let go and let God’
By Janet Corpus

If you're trying to control something you can't, "letting go" is a reminder that we aren't in control and can't handle everything alone. But the choice isn't between our handling things and God's handling things.
The idea of "letting God" take care of things gives a false impression of how God acts. God works in and through creation, including in and through us. We are partners with God in ongoing creation. "Letting God" may seem like respect for God and God's sovereignty, but it's actually turning our back on our relationship with God. "Letting God" sounds like hope, but it ignores God's presence here and now. God isn't some force or person external to the world who intervenes in our affairs. God is present and active with us in our situation.

"Let go and let God" is like saying to your partner, "Oh, you do it." Maybe God could run the world without us. But that's not the creation God made. Besides, God is too involved with us to go it alone.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or if things seem out of control, remember: You weren't created to be in control but to work with God, who is. Remember, too, that Jesus said, "Don't be afraid" and promised not to leave us alone.

‘Let go and let God’
By Janet Corpus

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When you read your Bible be looking for those things that God has done. Also be looking for those things He wants to do. Find out more about His ways. Get to know more about His heart and His mind. Keep seeking. Get closer to Him. Seek His face. Pray that your heart beat with the things that are important to Him.

Expect Him to do the unexpected. Don't look at anything in the same old way. Look at things through God's eyes. Don't accept anything as fact unless it is verified by God. He can use you if you are willing to

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How often do we pour out our heart and soul to God only to limit Him because we try to control the outcome of things.  As Christians, we need to have enough faith that once we pray to our Lord and express our needs and concerns, we let Him do His work.   This does not mean that we can sit back and enjoy the ride; rather, it means that we need to let God guide us and we need to listen.  He knows the plight of our world and of our individual lives.  It may not seem, at a particular moment, that things are turning out favorably for us.  But, He knows what's best and at some point down the "narrow path," we will see the light!!!!!  Stay on the path.   Listen for His voice.  Follow His lead.   Be sensitive.  NEED HIM.
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I now know that all I have to deal with is today! That makes it easier for me and keeps it simple in letting go of this moment and turning each moment over to God. "Now" is all I have to deal with and sometimes that is more than enough!
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Above Is A Collection Of Others Letting Go !!
Franny is trying hard to let GO and Let God Be God

May God Be With You and You with HIM!!!
Thank You For Visiting Franny's Place I Do Hope
You Have Enjoyed Your Time Here.
May God Pour Out His Grace, Mercy and Blessing Upon You!!!
Love Franny

"When Satan is knocking at your door,
simply say, "Jesus, could you get That"?

Franny's Place 
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Created 1/17/2003