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Mission Statement

More dramatic change has occurred in the field of child and youth care during the past fifty years than in the entire past century. We have evolved from caretakers, to caregivers, to practitioners dedicated to the art of competent caring.

The past century gave birth to orphanages, group living, residential treatment, community based services, family centered practice, youth development and direct care. A multiplicity of approaches and models have emerged.

Child and youth care has become a field with networks, connections, and links that reach around the world. There are publications, professional associations, certifications, degrees, field leaders and programs of distinction. Much has been achieved over these past hundred years. But there is still more that must be done!

Together 2000 - the next international child and youth care conference to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, June 6 to 9, 2000 will be a time and place for all who believe in the art and power of therapeutic caring to come together and celebrate a legacy of which all should be proud, but about which none should be complacent.

The North American leaders in the field of child and youth care have collaborated in planning this international event so that all who are committed to the art and power of caring can come together and share past successes, discuss current challenges, and contemplate innovative initiatives in preparation for the next hundred years during the coming millennium.


The mission statement for Together 2000 was written by Dr. Norman Powel and is presented here as printed in the program.  It nicely captures the evolution of the profession and points a direction into the next millennium. GG


Published by Garth Goodwin with the assistance of the Child and Youth Care Workers Association of Manitoba and the Council of Canadian Child and Youth Care Associations, Together 2000 and with the essential support of Chip Bonsutto, President, Ohio Association for Child and Youth Care Professionals. June 6 through June 10, 2000.