Deceased June 16, 1931 On June 16, 1931 Horatio G. Bent passed form our midst, leaving us the memory of a life beautiful in the service of the public schools of Bloomington. We, the members of the Board of Education and its officers, wish to pay to him a just tribute of honor and esteem. For thirty-six years Mr. Bent served at various times as president, treasurer, business manager and secretary of the Board; the longest term of service given to the public schools of Bloomington by any of it's citizens; an evidence of the confidence placed in him, by the patrons of the schools. He was a man of superior mind, of unselfish conduct, of strict integrity. His good cheer and kindly, courteous manner, his loyalty to the teachers, his thorough understanding and rare ability in administering to the needs of the schools; his years of faithful, loyal service won for him the high esteem of all his associates. The entire community has felt the influence of his fine personality, his energy, his clear thinking and wise counsel for its schools. To all who would receive it he gave the lavish gift of himself. He has left an imprint on the records of the public schools of Bloomington that can never be removed, and we who knew him so well may say in truth, it was good to have had such a friend. C. Stephenson S.K. McDowell E.L. Brown Louise Seibert Clara D. Munce Kaywin Kennedy Alfred O. Brown A.G. Erickson Mattie C. Bishop
Dedication to Grace Parker, Latin Department Superb Teacher - Unfailing Friend To Miss Grace Parker who, as inspiring teacher, brilliant scholar, exemplary character, constant friend and loyal educational servant, has enriched our years in Bloomington High School, the Senior Class of 1932 dedicates this volume in grateful and loving appreciation. 1932 Aegis Staff Editor-in-Chief: Mary McDorman Business Manager: John Morris Business Staff: Mark Brennan, Howard Frank, Tom Guy, Jimmie Jackson, Everett Melby, John Morrison, Charles Northrup, Robert Ochs, Richard Postlethwait, Bradford Rogers, Albert Sayers, Nyle Scholl, Clinton Soper, Leon Steele, John Van Huss. Literary: Ruth Armstrong, Miriam Brown, Katherine Colvin, Mary Katherine Davidson, Susan Havens, Virginia Mammen, Geraldine Merchant, Nancy Raisbeck. Alumni: Virginia Deetz, Betty Nierstheimer, Adolph Zalucha. Athletic: Melville Ewert, John MacKay. Art: Edith Ernst, Jess Goodheart, margaret Troegle, Eva Van Winkle. Assembling: Edna Bigger, margaret Egan, Doris Hamlow, Ruth Johnson. Humorous: William George Brown, Floyd Sakemiller. Organization: Grace Beyer, Charles Hardway, Marjorie Hillrichs, Audrey Marshall. Administration W.A. Goodier, Principal S.K. McDowell, Superintendent J.P. Harrison, Social Science P.C. Kurtz, Vice-Principal Louise Lange, Social Science Bess Cash, Social Science H.L. Adams, Social Science Russell Roberts, Asst Coach Soc Sci Grace Parker, Latin Efie Sutton, Latin and English Gertrude Marquis, French Netta Niess, Spanish, Phy Geography Bertha Wykle, Mathematics Lorah Monroe, Mathematics, English Rilda Betts, Mathematics Grace Collins, Mathematics, English Florence Holloway, Substitute Mildred Lierman, Mathematics Grace Inman, Dean of Girls, Fannie Campbell, English English Blanche Stubblefield, English Maude Leonard, English Bertha Morris, English Margaret Jones, English Alata Mae Harrison, English May English, English Carl Bickel, Substitute Lucy Parke Williams, Librarian S.A. Chester, Physics Marie Phillips, Physiology E.R. Kirby, Physics H.L. Slicehenmyer, Chemistry Vina Kilby, Home Nursing L.K. Wright, Biology Ethel Rose, Chemistry, Mathematics Amelia Vorndran, Phys. Training Margaret Means, Phys & Com Geography H.R. Hastings, Athletic and Dora Munson, Household Economics, Physical Training Dir. Physiology M. Maude Smith, Art and Design Bernice Moulic, Clothing and Survey Mildred Sutherland, Clothing L.S. Wood, Industrial Arts S.F. Bloomquist, Industrial Arts Harold Van Dyke, Industrial Arts Ethel Gunn, Dramatic Coach Frances Kessler, Music Carrie Ruffner, Music Supervisor Alpha Myers, Typing, Shorthand Orchestra, Glee Club Portia Alexander, Commercial Jessie Cline, Bookeeping, Elizabeth Nettleton, Shorthand Mathematics Ethel Oldaker, Bookeeping Wahnetah Brummett, Typing Frances Donahue, Commercial Eunice Hendryx, Telephone Amelia Rexroat, Secretary to Sup. & Operator, Clerk Principal Dorothy Stone, Sec to Principal
Senior Class: