Bugsy's Logo


Hi, my name is Bugsy. I am 100% pug so my mom says. Mom says I'm special cause I am a rescue pug. She says I need extra love. I am 4 yrs old. I don't know when my real birthday is, but mom has decided to make my birthday the day I came to live with them, Jan 15th, 1999. A good friend of hers told her that the adoption day of a rescue pug should really be their birthday cause that is the day they are truly re-born.

I love living here. Boy did I hit the jackpot finding my new family. I have a brother now and a wonderful mommy and daddy. They spoil me with treats and toys. I even have a coat to wear outside so I don't get cold. Mom makes home made cookies for us too. They are so good.

My brother Gipper and I love to play. Our favorite game is Tug O war. He thinks he's so strong and fast but he doesn't hold a candle to me in that game. I just don't let go. He can pull me around the house all he wants but I won't let go. Boy do I love that game.

Mom tells me I'm a great help around the house. Everytime she chases Gipper when he has something he isn't supposed to have, I help. She always gives me a cookie when I help catch him. Gipper says I'm a tattle tale. He needs to learn to do what mom tells him. It's not nice to take things you're not supposed to have. I do my best to behave around here, after all I don't want to make mommy mad.

Well I hope you enjoy my web page. Please don't leave without signing my guestbook.

Pug Hugs and Kisses,
Bugsy Pug

Happy Hearts

e-mail me I'd love to hear from you! E-Mail me anytime. I try to answer each and every letter I get!

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Bugsy's homepage was created on March 17, 1999
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Web Design and graphics created by Gipperpug@yahoo.com specifically for this page.
Copyright 1999
Bugsy's Homepage. All Rights Reserved. DO NOT copy the graphics on this page.

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Last updated July 8th, 1999