Ashley's Family's Journey

Ashley was born December 11, 1997 at 1 pound 1 ounce and given a 5% chance of survival upon her arrival at Cooks Childrens Medical Center a few hours later. She is now 26 pounds at nearly 4 years, loves to dance to the Eagles (Long Run), The Vaughn Brothers (Family Style), and CCR (Proud Mary & others). These pages are provided for those who travel this road with us. She has experienced a number of minor medical complications, but perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is that Labels are for Cans, not for kids.

At Ashley's birth, mom was the Director of a non-profit center which provided social services to the elderly. She now travles to the multitude of doctor and therapist visits and works as a teacher. She also has worked with multichallenged visually impaired individuals.

Dad was the Executive Director of Eastside Ministries of Fort Worth, an interdenominational 501c3 non-profit which serves at risk families in the southeast portion of Fort Worth for seven years. He also works with several universities as a Social Work field instructor. His specialty includes research into the interplay of shame and religion. He has completed an MSSW and Master of Church Social Service degrees. Schools we have been associated with include Oklahoma Baptist, Oral Roberts University, University of Texas at Arlington, Southwestern Seminary, and Texas Christian University.

In spite of all the academic learning, the experience of having a premature child faced us with the fact of how little we did know. It is the Hall family's hope that the links contained in these pages provide insight for you and save you some time. There are no graphics so that you can check links with less time waiting for pages to load. However, these pages are not intended to imply or replace medical advice. Site addresses are left visible so you can copy the page and email it to others, but remember to give credit where credit is due.

Fort Worth is a middle ground for a family having Oklahoma and rural southeast Texas roots. In honor of these roots, we have included a link for Log a Load [of Wood] for Kids

A Few of other Preemie Pages we have visited

Jordan's Home Page born 11/20/97 at four pounds.

Locatelli Home Page born 1/27/98 at 1000 grams.


Links on this site are provided as resources for your information, but should not replace medical advice or consultation. Links are left visible so you may more easily forward the page if you desire, but please give credit where due. Please let us know if you encounter a non-functioning link.

©2004 Greg & Christa Hall

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