Ring Toss

Although fairly simple, this is a game that requires a bit of coordination.  Each player has a pair of sticks, each about three feet long and about one-half inch in diameter.  These sticks will be used to toss a ring from player to player.  The ring is about eight inches in diameter and decorated with ribbons.  The game is played similar to Frisbee, with the ring tossed from person to person.  The rings aren't just hurled off the sticks.  With the ring on both sticks, the sticks are crossed in a X.  They are then pulled apart wishbone fashion.  The ring moves up the sticks as they get wider apart.  The trick in launching the ring is keeping the sticks in their X form to push the ring along.  The other player simply catches the ring on the sticks.  That's the whole game.  No winning or losing; simply good, clean fun.