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Coping with stress makes all the difference - the difference between being overwhelmed or building resilience.

Herbal nerve tonics act quiet differently than the more aggressive therapies - they attempt to restore inner harmony.

The use of valerian is interesting. In the Middle Ages, physicians viewed it as almost a cure-all! It seems to have been popular as anti-stress remedy during the second world war. By acting so favorable throughout the body, valerian is seen today as a restorative, with its main action on the nervous system. This allows it to take the edge off stress and makes coping with different situations easier.

Central Nervous System Support

The following is an excerpt from “The Herbal Formula Guide” by William E. Frazier, M.H.P., N.C. It is not our intent to diagnose or prescribe. It is not our purpose to replace the services of your physician, only to offer educational information on the ingredients in the products we represent.

Any substantial change in your routine, including changes for the better as well as changes for the worse, will make demands on mental and emotional resources. Research has shown that as stresses accumulate, an individual becomes increasingly susceptible to physical illness, behavioral and emotional problems and accidental injuries as well. Listed here are the parts of the body that are susceptible to stress-related diseases.

Digestive Tract   Diseases of the digestive tract that can be either caused or aggravated by stress include gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis and irritable colon.

Reproductive Organs  Stress related problems in this part of the body include menstrual disorders such as absence of periods in women and impotence in men.

Bladder The bladders of many people react to stress by becoming "irritable".

Skin  Some people have outbreaks of skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis when subjected to abnormal stress.

Brain  Many behavioral and emotional problems, among them anxiety and depression, may be triggered by stress.

Hair Some forms of baldness, among them alopecia areata, have been linked to high levels of stress.

Mouth  Certain mouth problems such as aphthous ulcers and oral lichen planus often seem to crop up under stress.

Lungs  Asthmatics often find that their condition worsens when they are subjected to high levels of mental or emotional stress.

Heart  Attacks of angina and disturbances of the heart rate and rhythm often occur at the same time or shortly after periods of stress.

Muscles  Various minor muscle twitches and nervous tics become more noticeable when the individual is under stress.

The herb kingdom contains an extraordinary variety of substances that improve and maintain the health of the nervous system. Daily use of these not only helps delay the onset of many problems, but also stimulates mental functioning and improves the way you feel about yourself and others.


Valerian Root
The premier herbal relaxant and sedative. Indicated for insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, nervousness, learning disabilities and hyperactivity.

Ginkgo Biloba
Increases flow of blood to the brain (and other parts of the body). It improves concentration and learning ability. Helps prevent cognitive and mood disorders associated with aging. Repairs capillaries damaged by free radicals and atherosclerosis.

A popular sleeping aid. Also good for anxiety, PMS and related problems.

A nervous system tonic of the first order, clears the mind, improves mood and helps stabilize tense nerves.

A gentle neural tonic and relaxant. Good remedy for unwinding at the end of the day. Works on both nerves and digestive organs.

Lime Blossom
Relaxant, especially good for nervous tension and hypertension. Used for high blood pressure that results from tension and arteriosclerosis.

Passion Flower
A most important tranquilizer for settling edgy nerves. Induces a deep relaxing sleep with no side effects.

1 bottle = 60 capsules

1 blister pack = 100 capsules

7040 Stress Formula (1 bottle)

7045 Stress Formula (1 blister pack)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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