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Op deze Web site vindt u informatie over Sierduiven in het algemeen en in het bijzonder over Sierduiven in Nederland en de Speciaalclubs. Bij "Pigeon Sites" vindt u links naar sites per sierduifras.


 This Website gives information about Fancy Pigeons. 

Under "Pigeon Sites" are links to fancy pigeon pages with their standards.




You're welcome to download, print and/or translate articles from here for use in pigeon magazines or club bulletins free of charge on the following conditions:


1: The following notice (or its translation) must be included:  Used by permission of  W. B. Halsema

2: Any copywriter notices must remain

3. No alterations may be made to the text and/or pictures without prior consent

4. Of course, if an article is translated, it should be done idiomatically to make it understandableand not stilted and such alteration is acceptable to me.


Other sites with fancy pigeon standards (in English)


Copyright © 2000-2001

updated: 13-01-02, webdesign: Halsema Design NL