Joyeux Noel Non

January on the horizon and it can’t get here soon enough
Unusual to be looking straight past, straight through this season
Strange to not to give a damn about this time of year
Then again, all considered, it just isn’t that strange after all

And the morning of the eve breaks with a bitter cold
Not that the weather can touch the chill of the soul
Once upon a time no bitterness or cold could touch the joy
That was then and the now is just a day to pass away

Head sick and heart twisted or maybe vise versa
Ease on past the whatever merriment when it’s seen
Race on through the greetings and wishes when they come
Nights’ low light cannot get here fast enough this day

In the growing shadows there is blessed relief to be found
Going slowly to nowhere down the emptying streets
Heaven and Hell and Christmas bells, just rumours here
Taking a look to that star above and wishing everyone a place to cry

G.R. Hambley
24/12/2014 ©