The links in this page have been put together by Arjun Roy Chowdhury, one of my esteemed colleague, and an
OS Wizard.


* Fravia's Page of Reverse Engineering - The ULTIMATE page for cracking
* CrackZ's Reverse Engineering Page - Nice cracking techniques
* Phrack Magazine - The Best Hacking Magazine on the Web
* Cicatrix - Best Collection of Virus Magazines
* Virus Black Book - Good beginner's learning for Virus Coders
* 29a Virus Magazine - Superb Virus Magazine
* The Art of Assembly Language - An online Assembly Language Book
* Gavin's Guide to x86 Assembly Language - A Pretty good Assembly Tutorial
* Macmillan Computer Publishing - You can read ONLINE tech. books here ! 
* SAM's Computers Publ. - Another site where you can read Online tech books 
* Ralf Brown's Interrupt List - Exhaustive list of all Interrupts, ports, etc
* SoftICE by Numega - The ultimate debugger ever made !
* Linux - All that you ever wanted to know about Linux
* Windows NT internals - good site for NT internals
* SysDoc - A Superb Hardware Site
* Andrew Schulman's Page - my idol ! ;)
* RootShell - A great security/bug site
* AntiOnline - A nice site for Hacking news and exploits 
* WotSit - Get all possible File Formats here. Really exhaustive ! 
* IDA Pro - Site of the makers of a mind blowing disassembler
* Operating Systems - A good repository of OSes 
* Programmers Heaven - A lot of source code on variety of topics
* L0pht - A good hack news site
* 80x86 Assembly - A good site for assembly programming - link to pmode tut too
* Doctor Dobb's Journal - A mind blowing technical magazine - da best ! 
* The United Council - An excellent information bank for serious programmers 
* The HH Library - superb papers/articles on Hacking 
* The Snippets Collection - source code for almost any programming topic (C/C++) 
* Alex Verstak's Page - Read his excellent descriptions of disk structures 
* System Optimisation - Good site for hardware related info 
* WinFiles - Good site for Windows Tips 
* Mammon's Registry Tutorial - Good Technical despcription of the registry 
* Windows 95 Registry - Understand the basics of the 95 Registry here 
* Robert Collins' page - A brilliant "what Intel didn't want you to know Page"