1. ABOUT THE GAM RING. Membership of the GAM RING is open to any site that fatures info on Savannah's freakiest spacepunk band, GAM. As the size of the World Wide Web grows ever larger so does the number of GAM sites. A central feature of the GAM RING is that it allows a listing facility of all those sites that have joined making it much easier to keep track of the sites rather than relying on one individual to maintain a definitive links page. Obviously the more people that join, the more use the ring will be.

2. GAM RING RULES At present there are no hard and fast guidelines as to what a page requires to join the GAM webring (although these may be developed). Each page will be judged on its own merit however it must have some GAM content. If you are uncertain what forms an acceptable GAM page the best guide I can give at present is to suggest you read the GAM FAQ which among other things gives a good description of what constitutes a wet and messy page.

3. HOW TO JOIN. If you would like your site to join the GAMRING and it fits in with the spirit of the ring please complete the form below. This will submit your site details for consideration.

Submit site to THE GAM RING
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

4. THE RINGCODE.Once you have completed the submit form you then need to place the GAM RING WEBRING html code on your web page. The image below shows how this code will appear on your page. The image on the left is called "ring.jpg" and will have to be copied and placed on your server. You should find it in your browsers cache, or "right click" and "save file as".

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Once you have completed the submit form you will receive an E-Mail with the GAM RING WEBRING html code for your site.

5. WHAT HAPPENS NOW.Put the GAM RING code on your page! and when this is done send a confirmatory e-mail to the ringmaster. Once you have added the code to your page remember to put your site name in place of "PUT YOUR SITE NAME HERE". The code mailed to you should now automatically include your correct ring ID number.

I will try and deal with all sites submitted within a week.

If you have any comments, queries or difficulties please contact me and I will do my best to help out. If the code is not placed on your site within 14 days of joining the queue the site will be automatically removed from the queue.


6. OTHER POINTS. Please display the ring code on the same site URL page you used in the submit form. You can also display it on other pages as well but doing this helps keep the ring intact.


Current members of the GAM RING can edit their site details here. Please try and keep your site details up to date.

Site ID No:

The GAMRING homepage - Designed and produced by Archibald Mooney