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    Here are some pictures of my friends and I. They have been there for me through good times and bad times. They are a big influence in my life. I am glad I have friends like them. I hope I keep in touch with every single one of them after high school.



These two guys are my best friends. I have known Eddie (30) for
four years already and I met Bubba (32) last year but we
had a lot in common. We always hang out
with each other most of the time.

This is the team I played with.  Mostly all of these guys are my friends. These guys
were my second family during the fall season we went 7-3 and missed
 the playoffs by one play. We all had many memories.

This is Jason and Jamie. They both
have been good friends of mine. They
both are very funny.

Here is Jack and Lana. They have been together
for quite awhile. I have known them
since Junior High.

This is Nicole, I met her this year and
She has been very fun to be with.
She is my sweetie.

A picture taken during spring break my freshman year.

This is Erin, David, Bridgette, Vale, and Lisa.

Here is Lisa Cisneros and David Diaz.
They are both in sports.


This Eddie in school. He is my
best friend.

This is Adrienne and Me. She makes me
very happy when ever I'm with her.
I met her in 2nd grade and
I've liked her ever since.

This is Bridgette. We have been
friends since 8th grade.