'My Jeepin' Sidekick'
*Molly's GSP 'Memorial' Homepage*
UPDATE: 7-23-13
All, tonight I had to let go of my best friend and Jeepin' Buddy.
After 16 years and 27 days my ole' girl needed some rest. She peacefully went to sleep in my arms
Molly, my 'Best friend forever', rest in peace...
June 26, 1997 - July 23, 2013
My little jeeping buddy...(Aug 05') |
*Scroll down for link to the latest Molly photos added...
Lady Molly Brown is an AKC German Shorthair Pointer, and was #4 of a litter of 10 born the day after my birthday on June 26, 1997. On August 26, 1997, I went with my best friend John to pick up his male German Shorthair. For some reason, I brought my checkbook (just in case,,,'well ya know'). John's dog 'Jack' (after Daniels of course--and Molly's brother), also comes from great lines (see Jack's/Molly's 5-Gen AKC Pedigree).
So,,,,on that warm sunny Summer day, there Jack was, along with 5 other pups (4 solid liver, and 1 Liver/White ticked). Then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I saw this cute little one (runt female of the bunch), with perfect round liver markings playing with a tennis ball, as her stubby tail was wagging 90 miles a minute. I went over and picked her up, and she instantly gave me lots of 'kisses'. Right then,,,,,,I knew I had my 1st dog forever! She was named 'Lady Molly Brown' on the ride home with Jack. Of course, after the Unsinkable Molly Brown, thinking she would love the water (which is not the really the case-she only drinks it). Molly is literally "my best friend". Ever since I brought her home that day she has changed and enriched my life now--and forever.
My 1st meeting with Molly, and her siblings August 25, 1997... (She is in the background playing with the ball, while brother Jack is in the foreground. Note: other siblings were all liver color) |
Molly's 1st puppy photo at 8 weeks, August 27th 1997 |
Molly's photo at 10 years later to the day, August 27th 2007 |
Molly's photo at 15 years later to the day, August 27th 2012 |
She was looking for birdies at 8 weeks... |
Some 15 pounds of joy... |
and a cuddly cute puppy too... |
especially sleeping... |
Molly loves to go jeepin', and has been ever since her 1st trip in early Nov 97' (when she lost her morning breakfast all over the jeep). Yep, no food now till the end of the run. She has logged over 330+ different jeepin' trips with me so far in 15.5 years, and made each one special. She is always harnessed-up in 2 points for safety (2 leashes attached to the roll bar onto her harness), and it also helps her with the trail "bumps" too. Molly has never been hunting 'officially', but that never stops her from pointing squirrels, kitty kats, birdies, moo-moos, horsies, and yes, even bugs (anything that flies) of all kinds!
This page is made especially for her.......from me. Even though I give her good nutritious food, a warm bed, lots of 'walks' and runtime, and especially LOVE,,,she gives me back MUCH more in return. So----here are some 500+ photos (somewhat chronological) of 'my Molly' at her finest,,,,,,,,,,,,enjoy.
"Jeep, Jeep"
Molly and I near Taylor Pass... |
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The Grand Canyon... |
The Foothills looking towards the Front Range... |
Top of Yankee Boy Basin--San Juan's of SW Colorado... |
Monument Valley... |
Above Dillon Reservoir looking at the Ten Mile Range... |
Near the 'Rock House' above Loch Lomand... |
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and everywhere 'we' go Jeepin'... |
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"Lady Molly Brown"
Molly's 1st Halloween 97'... |
1st Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 1997
This is what I have to look at all day jeepin'.... :) |
Monument Valley, (Dec 97') |
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"Hey.....jeepin and hunting do mix!" |
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Always on the lookout... |
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The San Juan's of SW Colorado... |
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Molly points another Miller Moth... |
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Hamin' it up for the camera again... |
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Molly "naked" in the tub... |
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MHJC's All-4-Fun Parade Silverton 98'... |
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Molly and her friend---the fly... |
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Molly thinks,,,"Humm....funny lookin cows" |
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Saxon Mountain above Georgetown... |
She is natural for photos... |
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Molly's 'famous' nose-trick... |
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"Aspens, what aspens, I see squirrel!!" |
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View, what view, I see a rare Moab lizard to chase... |
Always ready from any "viewpoint", even the San Juan's... |
My jeepin buddy, I never go without her... |
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Hangin' on for the 'ride' in Moab...(May 01') |
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Nice waterfall...any fishys in there?? |
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What a ham!!!! (Aug 01') |
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Summertime! (Aug 01') |
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She loves the snow too..... |
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Always lookin' for Moab lizards... |
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All tuckered out from Jeepin and 'huntin' all day..... |
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Costume contest Halloween 99'... |
Giving me that 'sappy look' again... |
Checkin' out the view, (or whatever that sound was)... |
Always ready to 'Go for a Ride!' |
The Colorado Rockies are a great backdrop... |
She sure loves to Jeep!! |
'Phew,,,, pavement,,,,time to nap again I'm beat!!' |
Stalking another spider... |
Monument Valley--Arizona, (Dec 98') |
3rd Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 1999
'At our same rock every year'
Jeepin' above Telluride in the San Juan's... |
Molly in costume,,,,,,,,Halloween 01' |
Always alert---for something... |
My lil' Jeepin' Buddy... |
Merry Christmas 01'... |
Helping with the Hobo Run door prizes, (July 02')... |
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San Juan's of SW Colorado, (July 02')... |
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"Dad, can we go already!?! Time for squirrel huntin'!" |
Molly's 5th Birthday!! June 26th, 2002 |
Animas Forks Ghost Town, San Juan's 02' |
All-4-Fun 2002 Parade...nice duds Molly. |
North Fork of the South Platte River, (Aug 02')... |
"Wahooo! Goin' for another ride!" |
"Some view...any squirrels?" |
6th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2002
'At our same rock every year'
"Can I come in yet?....Please?" |
Fall flowers 02' |
Babysitting her cousins (Oct 02')... |
Grand Canyon (Dec 02')... |
North of Monument Valley...(famous 'Forrest Gump' movie shot) |
Monument Valley (Dec 02')... |
Napping with her favorite toy (on CA trip-New Year's Eve 02')... |
'Hip' in Hollywood... |
Checkin' out the ocean at Malibu... |
Watching the Elephant Seals along the Coast HWY 1... |
and the seagulls too... |
Molly meets the starfish...(Dec 02') |
Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah... |
Capital Reef National Park, Utah - (Jan 03')... |
Molly's 2003 'Park Tour'
On our travels down to Phoenix for Xmas in 2002, Molly and I bought a National Park Pass at Arches. During the next year, Molly visited 18 National Parks & Monuments. At each one, I took a photo of her at the entrance sign. Each place was unique, and interesting. This is a collage of photos of her travels and adventures, made especially for her, from her Dad...enjoy!
Grand Canyon National Park-Dec. 02'... |
Joshua National Park-Jan. 03'... |
Yosemite National Park-Jan. 03'... |
Kings Canyon National Park-Jan. 03'... |
Sequoia National Park-Jan. 03'... |
Death Valley National Park-Jan. 03'... |
Zion National Park-Jan. 03'... |
Bryce Canyon National Park-Jan. 03'... |
Capital National Park-Jan. 03'... |
Sand Dunes National Monument-Jun. 03'... |
Wind Cave National Park-July 03'... |
Mount Rushmore National Memorial-July 03'... |
Badlands National Park-July 03'... |
Devil's Tower National Monument-July 03'... |
Rocky Mountain National Park-Aug. 03'... |
Petrified Forest National Park-Nov. 03'... |
Grand Canyon National Park-Nov. 03'...again |
and finally, Arches National Park-Nov. 03'...again |
Molly's 'Diva Photo Shoot'-
by 'Doggone it! Every Dog's a Diva' Photo Shoot!
March 2003
Molly's 'Halloween 2003 Costume Contests'
'PetsMart Costume Contest' October 21st
Mix 100 'Canine Costume Contest' Flatirons Mall October 25th...
Canyonlands National Park, Utah - (May 03')... |
"Ok, let's go already"...waiting before the Hobo Run 2003 |
On the hunt again...(Red Cone Trip 03') |
Molly and her friend Charlie...(Aug 03') |
"I hear a Pika Dad!"...on top of Mt. Antero |
Molly and Charlie on Mt. White... |
Mosquito Pass...(Aug 03') |
"Sqeeeek!"...Here we go again. |
"Ahhhh! The sun is in my eyes!!" |
Plum tired again, after another Jeep trip...(Sept 03') |
Furry Scurry 2004...(May 04') |
Molly's 7th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2004*
Happy Birthday!!! |
On the 'lookout' again & again...(August 04') |
My jeeping buddy...(August 04') |
"Ahhhh--the sun again---my eyes!"...(Moab-May 05') |
More lizards!!... (Moab-May 05') |
"Can I come out?, and be with you?"...(June 05') |
Molly's 8th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2005*
Playing with the new birthday toy...(July 05') |
Scared in the back of the car at the fireworks, um Molly you are a 'gundog'...(July 05') |
Resting in her bed-she was sleeping just then...(July 05') |
Hi Molly, ummm your gray is showing your age...(July 05'') |
Ready to Jeep!!...(Hobo Run July 05') |
Enjoying the view...(July 05') |
Sleeping again after the Hobo Run...(July 05') |
Ready for All-4-Fun...(July 05') |
Sleeping on the way there...(July 05') |
Ready for another Jeep trip ('OK, can we go now?'...(July 05') |
"Dad!!...another bug!!"...(July 05') *She doesn't get off point til I get up and get the bug!* |
Enjoying the view in the San Juans...(July 05') |
Just above Telluride...(July 05') |
Yep, my Jeeping Buddy (this must be the 'I'm Pissed ' look)...(July 05') |
Enjoying the flowers, while looking for chipmunks...(July 05') |
Plum tired after a long day, crashed in the tent trailer...(July 05') |
Molly's parrot...(July 05') |
Anything moving out there Molly??...(July 05') |
Surprise! Another sleeping shot!...(July 05') |
Always hunting for something...(August 05') |
Molly can read too!...(Sept. 05') |
On the road again!...(Sept. 05') |
9th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2005
**September 22nd**
Christmas 2005
**December 25th**
Molly loves to lay in the sun for a nap...(March 06') |
Hi Molly!...(March 06') |
Nice close-up Molly as a gray muzzle shows her age now...(March 06') |
Furry Scurry 2006
*May 06*
Having fun as always--even with a goofy look... |
This ones a keeper... |
Molly in California with me...
*May 13-June 3, 06*
Molly's 1st plane flight on Frontier--*Denver to San Jose*... |
The Bay Area has some nice Dog Parks!... |
She loves the dog park at Alamo Square in S.F... |
Yep, looking for squirrels by the Golden Gate... |
Hanging out at Baker Beach... |
Hanging '16' at the Santa Cruz beach!... |
...then watching the sunset together. |
Keeping me company in Cally... |
*Note: Back in Colorado now (June 3rd, 06), long story short----I worked in the Bay Area on a TDY job assignment from May 06' to Feb 07'. Had Molly with me in California at the start, all was good (nice yard and all). BUT...in a week, she got 'in trouble' with Sunnyvale Animal Control/police twice, so I had to bring her home. My sister in Evergreen watched her til Feb 07--THANKS!. I came home approx every 3 weeks to visit home and my Molly...
All comfy, and ready to ride...(June 06') |
Molly loves road trips!...(June 06') |
Though she does sleep a lot...(June 06') |
Molly's 9th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2006*
Yummy Birthday Dinner! All the fatty fixing's! |
Lots of good stuff! |
She loves to open presents! |
Molly--with her cousin Emily...(June 06') |
My Molly...(August 06') |
10th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2006
**September 18th**
Christmas 2006
**December 12th**
Molly--another priceless close-up...(Jan. 07) |
Yes Molly-I'm finally home for good!...(Feb. 07') |
She loves her new bed...(April 07') |
Furry Scurry 2007
*May 5th*
Molly and I... |
The Furry Scurry from Molly's perspective... |
She was a hit with the cap... |
Ah yea,,,,She took 1st place in the Furry Scurry 'Best Trick' Contest... |
Yes, Hi Molly--again...(May 07') |
Molly goes to Moab!!
*Memorial Weekend-May 07*
Yes Molly,,, it's a 6 hour ride in my Jeep to Moab... |
So she slept a lot... |
"Can I go out and play with the lizards now??" |
Yep, that's my GSP bug-pointer Molly... |
Posing again, huh??...was that a lizard? |
My Jeepin-buddy in Moab--a bit toasty, lots of H2O... |
Even at 9.8 years, she still has 'all-day' hunting energy... |
But does sleep a lot...on the 6 hour trip back home. |
Hiked up to parents memorial...(June 07') |
Smile!! (June 07') |
Chicago Creek...(June 07') |
Molly, over here, Molly, Molly...(June 07') |
Summer campout along Halfmoon Creek...(June 07') |
"No bugs in here Dad"...(June 07') |
Mt. Elbert...(June 07') |
"Can I sleep just a little bit more??" (June 07') |
"Time for some water skipper huntin'"...(June 07') |
Yes, that's my GSP pointing a water skipper...(June 07') |
...even on into the sunset. (June 07') |
Molly's 10th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2007*
"Yep, it's my birthday today--let's hurry and get home Dad"...(June 07') |
"Geezzz, just take the picture"...(June 07') |
Yummy Birthday Dinner! All the fatty fixing's! (June 07') |
She loves to open presents! (June 07') |
Lots of good stuff! (June 07') |
"Hurry , I got some bitten' to do"...(June 07') |
Happy 10th Molly!! |
Yes Molly,,, we are going Jeepin'/huntin' again...(July 07') |
...all done Jeepin'/huntin'. (July 07') |
"Is this close enough Dad??" (July 07') |
Molly goes to All-4-Fun Salida!!
*July 28- August 4, 07*
Checking out the scenery near South Park... |
"Can we go already??" |
Posing on Boulder Mountain... |
My Jeepin buddy... |
So tired and coming down hill, she just hung on... |
Yep, that's my spotter Molly... |
Always by my side... |
Grizzly Lake... |
Mary Murphy Mine-Pika huntin'... |
Out again...must be on pavement. |
Ready for another trail... |
On top of Mt. Antero 14,269'... |
"View? What view, I know there are squirrels somewhere"... |
Mt. Antero Trail off in the distance... |
Watching the Jeeps head down... |
Ummmm, yep again... |
On our way back home... |
...as we stopped at the South Platte River. |
Posing at Wheeler Lake...(August 07') |
...well, now running around. (August 07') |
"Hurry up and take it"...(August 07') |
Ok, who is posing for who?...(August 07') |
Always ready for another Jeep/huntin' squirrel trip...(August 07') |
Pointing a squirrel...(August 07') |
...and oh so close! (August 07') |
"Can I come out now??" (August 07') |
"Hey, what's up Dad?"...(Sept. 07') |
"Do I smell that bad??"-- This taken just after one of her many 'de-skunking' baths (Sept. 07') |
11th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2007
**September 21st**
My Molly...(October 07') |
"Ahhhh, I'm nice and warm now"---after I take clothes out of dryer, Molly likes to be adorned with them...(November 07') |
Playing in the leaves...(December 07') |
Christmas 2007
**December 25th**
"Ok, can you take this thing off now??"...(Jan. 08') |
What a trooper...(Jan. 08') |
Molly, wanna go for a walk??...(Jan. 08') |
"Dad, can I get up on the bed?"...(March 08') |
Furry Scurry 2008
*May 03*
...ok, can I have some ice cream now?? |
...good stuff!" |
Relaxing under the desk...(June 15, 08') |
Bundled up in her dog coat camping, as this is our last camping trip together, I'm getting her a sister soon...(June 20, 08') |
Pointing a waterskipper...(June 20, 08') |
...and oh so close! (June 20, 08') |
My fishing buddy (June 20, 08') |
"Hey, what's up Dad?"...(June 21, 08') |
Out for a hike at Hike For Hospice...(June 22, 08') |
Molly came with me to pick up her new sister Brandy (when she was 10 weeks-look for her webpage soon, June 22, 08) ... |
At a neighborhood party...(June 24, 08') |
Always by my side...(June 25, 08') |
Molly's 11th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2008*
Birthday Dinner Time... |
'Can I eat now?!'... |
'I love my new presents'. |
Always ready for a pose...(June 27, 08') |
"Did you say something about a goodie?"...(July 2, 08') |
"Dad, I like playing with my new sister...(July 3, 08') |
Learning to share with a puppy...(July 3, 08') |
Another Molly pose...(July 3, 08') |
They play great together, watch Brandy get bigger...(July 10, 08') |
"Dad, can we go now" (waiting to Jeep on the Hobo Run, July 12, 08') |
Visiting Friends...(July 20, 08') |
Playing with Sis (Just holds on while Brandy pulls... (July 22, 08') |
Patience with a puppy...(July 22, 08') |
Wings for takeoff..(July 27, 08') |
"What, another photo of me??"...(Aug 04, 08') |
Ok, who is posing for who?...(Aug 4, 08') |
Crossing Halfmoon Creek during Camp Trip...(Aug 6, 08') |
...then pointing anything that moves in the water...(Aug 6, 08') |
Showing lil' Sis how to hunt for waterskippers..(Aug 6, 08') |
...then keeping her warm on a cold night...(Aug 7, 08') |
"Hey, what's up Dad?"...(Aug 7, 08') |
'You Hungry?', Will always get this look...(Aug 16, 08') |
...and this one...(Aug 29, 08') |
Molly hangs with Brandy at 5 months (Sept 14, 08') |
12th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2008
**September 21st**
"Dad, make her stop"...(Sept 22, 08') |
Molly and Brandy out on our Fall Aspen Adventure...(Oct 5, 08') |
They both love to point 'bunnies'...(Dec 7, 08') |
Another 'Hey you want...(Dec 7, 08') |
Christmas 2008
**December 25th**
Another bunny point...(Jan. 22, 09') |
Furry Scurry 2009
*May 02*
A fun time... |
Molly loves 'getting out'... |
Now Brandy does the nose trick with Molly...(May 3, 09') |
...and they are both quite good...(May 3, 09') |
Off to go camping again...(June 24, 09') |
"Yes, I'm having fun" ...(June 25, 09') |
Molly's 12th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2009*
"Today is my Birthday, when can we eat??!!" |
"Oh the annual photos, let me eat Dad!" |
Some birthday presents she ends up sharing... |
Never much of a fan of fireworks shows...(July 4, 09') |
Sharing a bone with Brandy...(July 15, 09') |
...note how much bigger Brandy is, as Molly has someone almost her size now...(July 15, 09') |
'No Molly, it's not time to eat yet'...(July 21, 09') |
Ready for some more Jeepin'...(Aug 2, 09') |
Brandy tied up in the back of the Jeep, gets in front and uses Molly to balance while they both search for squirrels...(Aug 3, 09') |
At Garden of Gods, with Pikes Peak in background... (Sept 3, 09') |
Great Sand Dunes Natl' Park...(Sept 4, 09') |
Taylor River near Taylor Park...(Sept 5, 09') |
...and still looking for waterskippers...(Sept 5, 09') |
Posing on the South Platte River...(Sept 6, 09') |
Al tuckerred out from the trip...(Sept 6, 09') |
'Did you see that squirrel Molly?...(Sept 25, 09') |
Out for a run/hunt...(Sept 25, 09') |
...and then a nap...(Sept 25, 09') |
Molly takes an opportunity to take another nap while jeepin'...(Sept 26, 09') |
13th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2009
**September 28th**
"Who's Hungry??!!"...(Oct 29, 09') |
Watching the Veteran's Parade ...(Nov 07, 09') |
Hi Molly!...(Nov 14, 09') |
Christmas 2009
**December 25th**
One ear bent again...(Jan. 03, 10') |
"I didn't kill it. it was already dead"...(Jan. 03, 10') |
Springtime ...(May 16, 10') |
Molly loves 'getting out' and hunting waterskippers in the pond...(May 16, 10') |
Enjoying another nice Spring day...(May 16, 10') |
...and always ready to eat...(May 16, 10') |
Molly and Brandy at the Lucky Mutt Strut 2010...(May 30, 10') |
...and then sleep all the way home (May 30, 10') |
Making faces at me again...(June 24, 10') |
...on our annual Birthday Camping Trip to Halfmoon Creek (June 24, 10') |
Ready to go waterskipper fishing...(June 25, 10') |
"Yes, I think something moved" ...(June 25, 10') |
She loves camping ...(June 25, 10') |
...with her sister Brandy...(June 25, 10') |
Halfmoon Creek fishing...(June 25, 10') |
"Let's go again!" ...(June 25, 10') |
Molly's 13th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2010*
"Today is my Birthday, enough with the presents, when can we eat??!!" |
"Oh the annual photos again, hurry let me eat Dad my dinner is on fire!" |
Ummmm, are we hungry???...(July 3, 10') |
Out on another Jeep trip riding 'shotgun' ...(July 10, 10') |
...with sister Brandy in the back...(July 10, 10') |
Molly's 12th Hobo Run over Kingston Peak ...(July 17, 10') |
Enjoying the views while squirrel hunting...(July 17, 10') |
Molly goes to All-4-Fun Silverton!!
*July 30- August 7, 10*
Ready for another long trip ...(Aug 4, 10') |
Ready for a nap, after Jeeping all day... (Aug 5, 10') |
Molly and Brandy on top of Black Bear Pass...(Aug 6, 10') |
...enjoying the views...(Aug 6, 10') |
"Are we there yet?!?"...(Aug 6, 10') |
Over 13,100'...(Aug 6, 10') |
Al tuckerred out from the trip...(Aug 6, 10') |
'Did you see that squirrel Molly?...(Aug 28, 10') |
Almost all white now...(Sept 18, 10') |
...and still my ole' sweetheart...(Sept 18, 10') |
14th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2010
**September 19th**
"Who's Hungry--again??!!"...(Oct 17, 10') |
White eyebrows now...(Nov 14, 10') |
Christmas 2010
**December 25th**
Molly goes on a road Trip to Vegas and Phx!
*Dec 26, 10 - Jan 02, 11*
Hanging out, for hours...(Dec 26, 10') |
Sleeping, awake, sleeping, awake... (Dec 26, 10') |
'Pit Stop' Near Rifle...(Dec 26, 10') |
Sleeping again on trip down to Phoenix from Las Vegas...(Dec 30, 10') |
...and then in the motel room with Brandy...(Dec 30, 10') |
Almost home...(Jan 2, 11') |
'Time out' from playing...(Jan 2, 11') |
"Is it time yet, I'm always hungry"...(Mar 27, 11') |
"UGGG, I'm not done yet!!"...(Apr 3, 11') |
Hi Molly!...(Apr 9, 11') |
Furry Scurry 2011
*May 07*
Ready for some walkin'... |
'Nice hat Molly'... |
Hot and tired... |
...and still my ole' sweetheart making faces |
Another 'annual' pose...(June 24, 11') |
with Brandy...on our annual Birthday Camping Trip to Halfmoon Creek (June 24, 11') |
Ready to go waterskipper fishing again...(June 24, 11') |
Showing little Sis how it's done...(June 24, 11') |
Then sleeping again on the way home ...(June 25, 11') |
Molly's 14th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2011*
"Today is my 14th Birthday, that's like 98 in your years, enough with the presents, when can we eat??!!" |
1st to open and 1st to play with... |
All my toys??... |
Oh brother here we go again, candle wax in my dinner... |
MY JEEPING DOG , always ready to go 'bye-bye'...(July 31, 11') at All-4-Fun Salida |
"Hey, I'm getting wet in here!!"...(Aug 4, 11') |
On top of 13,300+' Mosquito Pass...(Sept 4, 11') |
15th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2011
**September 25th**
Checkin' out aspens...(Sept 23, 11') |
Near Twin Cone Peak with Brandy...(Sept 24, 11') |
Christmas 2011
**December 25th**
Quite the gray...(Jan 15, 12') |
Not too bad for almost 15...(Jan 15, 12') |
'Happy St. Patty's Day!'...(March 16, 12') |
Furry Scurry 2012
*May 05*
Ready for some walkin'... |
'Nice hat Molly'... |
'Time out' from playing...(June 24, 12') |
Molly's 15th Birthday!!
* June 26th, 2012*
"Geezzzzz, can I eat it before it melts!!"... |
"Dad, I'm like 105, I'm not getting any younger here!... |
'Getting tired alot' while camping...(Jun 30, 12') |
My 'ole' girl...(Jun 30, 12') |
...and she still hunts in the Colorado Rockies...(July 1, 12') |
Another nap...(Aug 2, 12') |
'Hanging out in the tundra at some 12,000'...(Aug 3, 12') |
Halmoon Creek Camping Trip 2012
*August 18th*
"Is it time yet, I'm always hungry"... |
"Don't you wish they live forever!"... |
Molly and Brandy at Halfmoon overlook again... |
16th Annual Fall 'Rock Shoot' 2012
**September 25th**
Christmas 2012
**December 25th**
CHECK BACK-----ALWAYS MORE to come!!!!
No narration needed... |
Here is the original photo...she is Sunday June 10th, 2012!!!!! |
Molly also made the 365 Dogs 2007 desk calendar!!... |
Here is the original photo... |
Molly also made the 365 Dogs 2004 desk calendar!!... |
Here is the actual page--March 15, 2004--'Winner of the Week!'... (This photo is from Capitol Reef National Park in Utah--Jan 2003) |
She also is featured on the back of the box... |
Here is the original photo they used ... |
Molly also made the 365 Dogs 2000 desk calendar... |
Here is the original photo they used ... |
& the Gallery of the April 2000 DOG FANCY Magazine! |
'My Molly'... |
Molly 'Thanks You' for visiting her website!!
(click here only to go to the site from somewhere else)
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