Chalky, Dufus & Shirt…

…Chang, Chang, Changety-Chang-che-Lee !!


   7th Galaxy had done it again – a rare appearance of someone from overseas, namely Yee Jee Tso (Chang Lee from the TV Movie), who they had imported at great expense and were intending to cart around the country meeting fans. However, his epic journey was to begin at 7th Galaxy’s Barking store, and so on March 16th (a date which was to have future significance for one of the party), our three intrepid friends made their way to the mothership.


   Arriving at Barking, and buying the required TVM stills, the three joined the queue, and Shirt ummed-and-ahhed about whether he wanted Yee Jee to sign his precious “Companions” book.

“He’s more of a companion to the Master”, Shirt whined on, before finally deciding that only Grace is a companion, and going to attempt to persuade Hamble to make their next transatlantic guest, Ms. Ashbrook.

The queue represented the general opinion of the TVM, only a core group of die-hard fans.


   Therefore, the three were soon standing in front of the overwhelmed Yee Jee, who was happily signing anything put in front of him – video covers, script books, TVM novelisations, “Regeneration” – seeming overwhelmed by all the attention, thanking everyone “for coming”. He asked the friends where they had come from, nodding as if he knew where Surrey was, before revealing that he was to be involved in two new Large Endings’ audios featuring Sylvester and Colin.


   Standing outside the shop, commenting on “what a nice chap” Yee Jee was, and comparing the Katy Manning-esque drawings of himself that made up part of his signature, Dufus proved to have gone to the Duke of Edinburgh school of diplomacy in relation to people of other nations, with a comment that I am unable to repeat here. He then became obsessed with a video camera and the prospect that the friends might appear on a third Reeltime video.  (As a matter of fact, you can just see the three if you squint very hard on “Yee Jee’s Video Diary”).


   The usual traipsing round shops was cancelled, as Chalky had to race home to get ready for a party.

“A party, eh ?”, said Shirt. “Will there be lots of attractive women there ?”, he asked before adding hopefully, “Can I come ?”

“There will be women there”, said Chalky.

“Including the lovely Tigger”, asked Shirt referring to a female teacher friend of Chalky’s.

“Yes, but there’s no chance of anything happening”, retorted Chalky.

Dufus and Shirt agreed with this – as if Chalky and Tigger would get it together  (see C, S& L...Went In 2 By 2 )


