Chalky, Shirt, Tigger, Enigma, Scooby & Alfie…

…Watch the Ten(n)ant Move Out


Guest Starring: Mr. Lucas



2009 had been a bit of drought for the Tenth Doctor (four-hours-and-ten minutes, rather than the usual ten-and-three-quarter hours). With the lack of a series launch, the gang had not foregathered, but a New Year bringing a New Doctor and the passing of the Tenth Doctor, in the second part of “The End of Time”, could not go without such a gathering. The location was Chalky and Tigger’s home, but due to Mavic Chen’s bedtime, the viewing would have to be after the transmission. Shirt, Enigma and Scooby made their way to Chalky’s, meeting on the bus, and hurried down the hill, desperately trying not to catch a glimpse of the episode, in particular the golden glow of regeneration, through any windows, it being a few minutes before the end of the transmission. Arriving, having avoided any such spoilers, they were soon joined by Alfie who had learnt nothing from the jaunt to Earl’s Court. He was accompanied by his partner, Mr. Lucas, who was still in the process of being ‘converted’ to a fan.


Mavic Chen settled, and everyone having found a place to sit, the Tenth Doctor’s swansong began. No-one made a sound, as the Doctor and Wilf escaped to the Vinocci ship, the Timelords returned, were surprisingly swiftly defeated, and the Doctor fell to the ground exhausted. The revelation of ‘he will knock four times’ brought gasps of surprise, as the Doctor made the ultimate sacrifice. From here on in, the crying started, as Mr. T. Davies wrung as much emotion out of this situation as possible, with the Doctor visiting past companions and friends. When he finally staggered into the TARDIS, and was enveloped in the golden flame, the water level was rapidly rising. His final words of "I don't want to go" were too much for Tigger, Enigma & Alfie, who sobbed uncontrollably. The Eleventh Doctor brought into existence, the episode ended, and the group looked around at each other sheepishly.


A text message from Chalky’s sister-in-law led them to the BBC website where there was a trailer for the first Eleventh Doctor series. Having watched this several times on Chalky’s laptop, they tucked into the food provided by Tigger. A few rounds of “Doctor Who: Scene It” which Shirt had been given for Christmas, and they all went their separate ways, Enigma and Scooby promising to host the Series 5 gathering.

