Chalky, Dufus and Shirt…

…Oh Hell!






The final Paul McGann CD - Minuet in Hell - was due to be released by Large Endings.

7th Galaxy had planned a signing with Nicholas Courtney - guest star of said production. However, plans for this disappeared without trace and the signing now consisted of India Fisher (corrrrrrrr) and Helen Goldwyn (Becky Lee Demon Slayer).

Due to it's early release the previous week at the John Levene signing, the lads already owned copies of the audio drama and so were prepared with comments aplenty for Miss Fisher and Miss Goldwyn.

Waiting in the queue, Miss Fisher arrived. However, there was no sign of Miss Goldwyn.

Eventually the signing started. A brief chat to Big Ted determined that Miss Goldwyn might not be appearing after all. Oh Hell!

Despite this, they still had a nice chat with Miss Fisher. Chalky commented that this would be a good one for video, and Miss Fisher sussed his dirty little mind immediately (Charley wears a rather tight red leather number in this story, you see).

She also commented that she loves doing the signings, because she can't believe so many people come out to meet her. Apparently all her friends laugh at her for doing them.

Shirt then told Miss Fisher how much he enjoyed Fly Me to the Moon. Miss Fisher confessed she wasn't entirely happy with it herself.

Chalky had missed most of this conversation and so was a little embarrassed when Shirt suddenly pointed to him and said,

"He didn't like it either."

Fortunately, Shirt then explained it was okay not to like it - as India didn't much either.

Chalky, Dufus and Shirt then wended their way home.


