Chalky, Dufus and Shirt…

…In The Land of the Dead


Needless to say Chalky was going to the Seventh Galaxy signing of Large Endings latest audio offering - The Land of the Dead, starring Sarah Sutton.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Sarah Sutton.........." drooled Chalky.

Apparently, Steve Cole was going to be there too, but to be honest, Chalky didn't give a toss about that.

The day came and went with little occurrence, reflecting the title of said audio.

That said, it may have been more exciting had Chalky had the balls to ask Steve Cole exactly why he let John Peel write a book like War of the Daleks, and then was willing the publish the thing.

But he didn't, so we shall never know what Mr. Cole would have said.

The Land of the Dead was very good by the way.


