Chalky, Shirt, Tigger, Lupine, Enigma & Scooby…

…Don't See the Lions, the Giraffes, the Elephants, and Especially not the Monkeys - at Longleat

(A Photo-Story)


Shirt’s offer to rub sub-tan lotion into Tigger’s hard-to-reach places was met with scorn.


Scooby considered whether to tell Shirt that someone had stolen his pint.





Lupine entertained the others in the queue with his Michael Aspel impression.


The young boys found Tigger far scarier than her new tin-foil chum.





“All this conquering the galaxy’s thirsty work”


The Monsters were a little peeved when they realised that they had been clamped





Colin suddenly found out where Lupine’s other hand was.


Colin refused to give Shirt Nicola Bryant's phone number despite the threats.





“Aren’t you my boyfriend’s Dad?”


“What do you mean - three monsters ?”





Having miraculously survived the crash, Adric was amazed to run into the Cybermen again in Wiltshire.


“They’re behind you !!!”





“Come on now, guys. We’ve all had a drink, let’s not do anything stupid….”


“Mmm, Cake. Cake, I do like Cake. Cake !

Ca-aaaa-ke !!!”





The Cyberman was making sure that none of the guests escaped from the cake-cutting.


At last - a proper anniversary !









