Chalky and Dufus…

…Face the Gravity of the Situation






The Curse of Black and White had struck again.

Shirt weren't shelling out for no pre-colour rubbish.

Chalky and Dufus weren't so narrow-minded and tootled off to 7th Galaxy to purchase The Moonbase and meet Anneke Wills.

The train journey was uneventful with Chalky merely trying to stay awake in conversation with Dufus.

Reaching the shop, Big Ted asked Dufus where his consorts were? Chalky appeared, and explained Shirt had more sense than money (a rare commodity in this trio).

Purchasing his items, Dufus was flummoxed as he left the shop to find he couldn't locate them.

Returning into the shop, he realised he'd paid, but left them on the counter.

Chalky and Dufus joined the queue.

Soon after, Cwej arrived and presented Chalky with a CD of 'Whatever Happened To…Susan?' which Chalky was most excited about.

Queue-based chatting involved the various merits of The Stones of Venice; the dubious entendres of The Gunfighters; and the contents of a marvellous video with Doctor Who inspired by Freda and Barry! Chalky waits with bated breath for Cwej to do him a copy.

Miss Wills passed by arm in arm with Humpty.

"There she is," commented Chalky.

"Oh!" exclaimed Dufus, "I thought that was his girlfriend!"

Once in, discussions with Miss Wills included:

* the fact that 'Bidding Adieu' had been one of the reasons for her returning to this country.

* the ploy of finding just the right place on merchandise to sign, and it being a real bummer if someone's got there before you.

* the horrors of modern technology

* the embarrassment of never actually having read 'Invasion of the Cat-People' and that being the reason Gary Russell has probably stopped talking to her.

Photos taken - with heads and hair thrust everywhere! - the friends parted company, partook of some sustenance and then returned home.

Back at Dufus's place, they listened to the continuity-shattering 'Whatever Happened To…?' and marvelled at Claire Rayner's one and only appearance in a Doctor Who-related production.


