Chalky and Dufus…

…Perpetuating the Myth






I wandered lonely as a cloud…

Or rather, Enigma was working (again - and she never had any money to show for it anyway); Cwej was nowhere to be seen; and Shirt had boycotted the event on the basis that he didn't want to buy The Myth Makers 'because it's black and white' (although pointing out that audio can't be 'in black and white', and on that basis he'd better wipe the first few seconds of The Two Doctors - cos that's in black and white, didn't seem to warrant much response.)

Therefore, it was up to Chalky and Dufus to show what 'proper' Doctor Who fans do - that's go and spend their money on any over-priced tat that has the appropriate logo on.

Wending their way to 7th Galaxy, Chalky and Dufus were surprised to find the queue already to the corner. Looking forward to meeting Peter Purves (corduroy jackets and stripey jumpers) and Jeremy Bulloch (star of The Space Museum (bushy eyebrows and all-black combos) and The Time Warrior (poncy long blond hair and a fetching Robin Hood-style outfit)) they bought their over-priced tat and got in line.

Inane conversation ensued, with careful (but ultimately futile) avoidance of the bloke in front of them who seemed to be Bergerac's biggest fan.

The queue began to move, and Chalky and Dufus were distraught to find that Jeremy required purchase of his Mythmakers video (not to be confused with The Myth Makers audio - unfortunately - because Chalky and Dufus thought they may be able to convince the powers that be that they had bought 'the Mythmakers', just not the right kind of Myth makers) before he would sign anything else.

Not wanting a load of guff about his appearances in Star Wars, they decided to skip him and promptly rang Shirt to inform him of this turn of events.

Reaching Peter Purves, the lovely man asked Chalky if he'd had a nice Christmas. Replying he had, Chalky reciprocated the question, to which Mr. Purves replied in the positive.

"Family?" asked Chalky, very pally now.

"And Friends - 10 in all."

"And did you do the cooking," asked Chalky - possibly being a little over familiar now.

"A bit - but we went out too," replied Mr. Purves, sharing all with the nosy fan opposite him.

Chalky then presented Mr. Purves with a copy of The Empire of Glass to sign.

Mr. Purves stared incredulously at the artwork rendition of himself.

"Who's that supposed to be?" he cried.

"You," replied Chalky quietly.

"You'd think we'd be consulted over these," he said, turning to Mr. Bulloch and showing him the picture.

"Looks like Jess Conrad!" he exclaimed.

"Empire of Glass? Never heard of it!" cried a growingly scary Mr. Purves.

"It's a Missing Adventure."
"Missing - I don't remember it!"

"No - it's a novel - an original story."
"Oh so I wasn't actually in it - no wonder I don't remember it!" cried Mr. Purves. "I'll sign over the face!"

Apologising profusely for the picture, Chalky moved on with Mr. Purves cries of (hide it!) ringing in his ears.

Dufus moved up and got his things signed with less fuss. Having a photo (taken by Chalky) Mr. Purves cried - "And if it comes out anything like that other picture - have it destroyed!"

"Right you are!" said Chalky, too afraid now to disagree.

Chalky and Dufus left, sidling past the form of Mr. Bulloch (who had thankfully been engaged in conversation by a 7th Galaxy employee), and wended their merry way home.


