Chalky, Dufus & Shirt

...and the Carnival of Plagued Creatures











Seventh Galaxy were holding a signing for the video release of “Creature from the Pit”, the DVD release of “Carnival of Monsters”, and the CD release of “Plague Herds of Excelis”. In attendance would be Geoffrey Bayldon, David Brierly, Bob Baker & Peter Halliday. (Oh and the lovely Lisa Bowerman was there also – but that didn’t influence the friends’ decision to attend – oh no !)


Arriving at their usual time, the friends were surprised that the advertised David Brierly seemed to have been replaced by the Captain from children’s classic, “Cockleshell Bay”, until Little Ted told them that it was David Brierly. (Well he didn’t look anything like a tin dog !).

Purchasing the requsite items, they joined the queue, and a short while later the signing began. Soon the three friends had entered the shop and were having their precious “Companions” books signed by ‘Captain’ David Brierly. Moving along, both Chalky and Dufus managed to successfully get their items signed by Geoffrey Bayldon, Peter Halliday and Bob Baker.

Dufus managed to ignore Chalky’s continued muttering of "Go on, ask Bob Baker about Wallace and Gromit", saying very little, until he reached the lovely Ms. Bowerman, where he chatted nineteen-to-the-dozen.


Shirt, however, was having trouble getting his name over to the slightly hard-of-hearing Geoffrey Bayldon.

“Can you sign it to Shirt, please ?”

“To who ?”

(slightly louder) “Shirt !”

“Who ?”

(louder) “Shirt !”

“Who ?”

(at top of voice) “Shirt !”

“Oh, Shirt !”

Having finally got Geoffrey’s signature on his “Creature from the Pit”, Shirt managed to also get his name on a Jeremy Brett video cover that he was also in (but with less shouting this time).

Moving along, and utilising Chalky's spare "Carnival of Monsters" cover, Shirt managed to get Peter Halliday  on his "City of Death" cover.

Chalky was also deep in conversation with Ms. Bowerman, and seemed to be looking just too deeply into her eyes for a man with a girlfriend. Subtlely pushing his friend aside, Shirt turned on the charm (or what he thinks was charm), flirting outrageously with the time-travelling archaeologist adventurer.


All three friends wanted photos with the lovely Ms. Bowerman, and so one-by-one they moved to behind the signing table, and crouched by the object of their lust. All was going well, until it was Dufus’ turn, and he managed to nearly knock all the stuff off the table, whilst squeezing round it. Luckily all items stayed put, and catastrophe was averted.

Exiting the shop and placing their signed items in their bags, Shirt turned to Chalky:

“I'll tell Tigger you were flirting with Lisa Bowerman !", he said.

Chalky’s response is unprintable.

However, it was all made up, and the three wended their merry ways home.


