Chalky, Shirt and Tigger


…Enter the Lower Sixth






Series Six of Nu Who was to be in two parts. The first part as ever was to be on the Easter weekend.

“What’s happening for the Season Premiere ?” asked Shirt expectantly.

Chalky and Tigger initially pretended not to understand him, until finally they invited him round to watch the episode


Following what had been a difficult week for fandom with the loss of Elisabeth Sladen, Shirt made his way round to Chalky and Tigger’s, in time to spend some time with Mavic Chen before he had to go to bed  (it had been agreed that the episode looked too scary for a little fan like him).

First-born safely in the ‘land of nod’, and all three gathered round the television to watch the episode that had been recorded earlier. With food provided by Tigger, the start button was pressed and the three watched the shocking opening few minutes.

“Hey, Arthur Darvill’s in the credits”, commented Chalky, until Shirt reminded him that he had been in “A Christmas Carol”.

All were glad that Mavic Chen was not present to see what the mysterious Astronaut did to the older Doctor.

Confusion reigned, which the following thirty-five minutes did nothing to alievate.


As the ‘To be continued’ credit appeared, it became clear that Tigger had not been aware that the opener was a two-parter.

A muted reaction to the opener, and then it was time to watch “My Sarah Jane – A Tribute to Elisabeth Sladen”, with both Chalky and Shirt just managing not to cry.


The evening was rounded off by some “Britain’s Got Talent” and “Britain’s Got More Talent”, following which Shirt gave Chalky a ‘Doctor Who’ Easter Egg and Mug, and left a ‘Doctor Who’ funpack for Mavic Chen (having realised that he would not have gone to bed if he had been given it earlier). He then slowly wended his way home, glad that the earlier heavy rain had abated.





