Chalky, Dufus, Shirt and Enigma...

…in the Shadows








A new hair colour and she had returned.

Kissy kissy.

Huggy huggy.

Enigma was BACK!

The lure of Chalky's animal magnetism, Dufus's innocence and Shirt's…well, he just happened to be there, were too much for Enigma to resist.

And she quite fancied meeting Sylvester McCoy.

Train troubles meant that poor Enigma was delayed horribly, whilst Chalky, Dufus and Shirt, anticipating problems and leaving early, actually had no problems and arrived early too.

Mobile phone calls were made and arrangements made to meet at 7th Galaxy as Enigma might actually manage to get there sometime soon (and the trio would save her a place in the queue anyway).

They queued for quite a while before Enigma arrived and watched as a blur of blond(ish) hair whizzed past and into the shop and back out again, clutching a copy of Large Endings latest release 'The Shadow of the Scourge'.


Kissy Kissy.


Much catching up of news ensued before the merry band wended its way into the shop to meet the aforementioned stars of the series Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred.

It must be said, at this juncture, that 3 of the group were disappointed at the non-appearance of Miss Lisa Bowerman. Only Enigma was unphased, due to the fact that, being so poor, she had not acquired any of the excellent Bernice Summerfield audios and did not know of the joy that is Bowerman worship.

Walking into the shop, it was a bit of a shock to find that we had not actually come to a signing of McCoy and Aldred after all, but it was in fact an intergalactic visit from the Professor and Ace, long lost employees of BBV audio.

(Of course it could just be that Sylvester was wearing the scarf that he's seen in publicity shots for the BBV audios wearing.)

Whilst chatting we surmised the possibility that on booking Sylvester, each customer gets a Sophie Aldred free, but felt it best not to share this wisdom with the guests themselves.

Shirt approached Mr. McCoy and presented his Sirens of Time cover.

"Who's this that's signed all over my face?" cried Sylvester.

"Anthony Keetch," replied Shirt.

"Who?" asked Sylvester.

"He was in Sirens with you," responded Shirt.

Various other people began trying to explain who Anthony Keetch was, but still Mr. McCoy seemed annoyed that someone he had no recollection of would have the audacity to scribble across his furrowed brow.

The rest of the group filed through, Enigma looking pathetic with her one lonely piece of merchandise (other than the CD cover, obviously), and wended their happy way home.


Eventually the awful time came when Enigma had to change trains and go her separate way. There were tears and recrimination (but then Dufus was told, very firmly to stop it!) and the friends departed.


Chalky, Dufus and Shirt return in…Twister!


