Chalky, Dufus and Shirt…

…the Spectre of Galaxy Four

(Guest Starring Chris Cwej)







7th Galaxy were getting into the habit of providing cornucopias of stars for their popular signings.

The dual release of Large Endings' latest adventure The Spectre of Lanyon Moor and the CCB's soundtrack version of Galaxy Four warranted the appearance of a plethora of stars including the usually reclusive Peter Purves; alongside brand new companion Maggie Stables, joined-at-the-hip Barnaby Edwards and Nick Pegg, soon-to-be-cyber-converted Helen Goldwyn and Phantom Menace voice artiste Toby Longworth.

Chalky, Dufus and Shirt, again sans Enigma (who seems to have been surgically attached to her workplace), wended their way to the east side of London and awaited the festivities.

Chris Cwej soon arrived and joined the merry band.

Lanyon Moor was discussed, it having been available the week before the signing, and all agreed it was the best adventure to date.

Peter went to the loo.

The signing began.

Peter was jovial and chatty. Maggie was every inch Evelyn Smythe. Nick was overjoyed at the reaction to his grand opus. Barnaby discussed his rising credit rating on the Bernice Time Ring series, and Toby and Helen looked suitably flabbergasted by the attention.

Chris asked Chalky to take his (digital) photo with Peter. Chalky, doing his best David Bailey impression managed to capture a wonderful shot - which only appeared to be blurred and fuzzy because of Chris's software, and not because Chalky can't take a steady photo to save his life.

Shirt tried to be different and got Mr. Purves to sign a Blue Peter annual.

Photos were taken. Hands were shaken. They went home.

What larks!


