Chalky, Dufus, Shirt, Enigma and Cwej…

…With a Couple of Boffins










The gorgeous Miss Lisa Bowerman had been unable to attend the previous 7th Galaxy signing of The Shadow of the Scourge, but had promised to return at a later date.

That later date was to be the signing attended by that most titillating of Trakenites, Miss Sarah Sutton.

Originally planning to sign Large Endings' third (and to that point final) Dalek Empire audio adventure - The Mutant Phase, Miss Sutton actually found herself sans merchandise when Large Endings moved the release date.

Not wishing to faff the sultry Miss Sutton around, 7th Galaxy opted to just have the signing and be done with it.

No problem here, thought Chalky.


Joined again (hurrah!) by the enigmatic Enigma, the fearless foursome wended their merry way to the east end of London.

After buying copious amounts of merchandise (all apart from the very poor (but recently returned to a job she had been sacked from the last time the friends met - fickle women!) Enigma) the friends queued - as usual.


Soon, they were joined by the tall figure of a New Adventures companion - Cwej. Being a short queue, he snuck in beside them and the now fearless fivesome chatted inanely about many a Who-related topic.


Once inside and signing, Chalky asked the salacious Miss Sutton whether she had plans to do any further audio adventures.

"Nothing's on the cards, but I'm hoping!" she replied.

"They have got a couple of empty gaps next year," chipped in Cwej, helpfully.

"Indeed. Start writing in now with your petition to get Nyssa into them," demanded Miss Sutton.

"Your wish is my command!" thought Chalky.


Miss Bowerman chortled heartily after being caught with a choccy in her gob.


Photos done, Cwej made an unusual request. Having travelled by train (due to a lack of vehicular-driving relatives or friends) he was planning to wend his merry way to the What Shop. Breaking a vow of celibacy where that place was concerned, the friendly foursome had also decided they wanted to pay a visit.

"Can I join you?" he asked pleadingly.

"Of course!" cried the friends, happy to accept another lost sheep into their mad, but surprisingly likeable flock.


And so they wended their way to that other place of merchandise and money exchange.

A sad event followed as after the boys had spent even more money in said establishment Enigma announced that she was meeting her elder brother elsewhere in London Town and would have to depart in the opposite direction to her loyal fans.

Tears at bedtime followed and the group separated, only for Cwej to then depart soon after, again following a different route to the core group.


After purchasing a much-wanted Quantum Leap guide in a cheapy book shop near Waterloo, the friends finally decided to wend their happy way home.


