Chalky, Dufus, Shirt and DesRes...

…Flight through Time







Almost one year after his first appearance at 7th Galaxy, Peter Davison was due to return for the dual release of CCB Video's Time-Flight and Large Endings latest Nyssa-fest Winter for the Adept.

As well as the cricketing space traveller other stars due to appear were Sally Faulkner - star of both Winter for the Adept and the recent VVB release Old Soldiers; Andrew Cartmel - writer of the audio adventure, as well as script editor of the Sylvester McCoy era; and India Fisher, the latest tottie to join the ranks of Who babes, and soon to be the 8th Doctor's new companion Charley Pollard.

Suitably loaded with cash and video covers, the three friends STILL sans Enigma who, as she had been at the previous Davison signing a year before, was celebrating her sister's birthday (darnit), made their way to Barking. The tottie-rating was balanced though, by the accompaniment of DesRes, who was rapidly becoming a fully-fledged sad-person.

Peter was going to be late.

"It's you!" accused the trio, pointing fingers at DesRes.

DesRes had attended the infamous 3-4 hour wait for Colin Baker.

The other guests arrived in dribs and drabs.

First came India, alongside unexpected guest Liz Sutherland, her fellow star in the audio.

Chalky, Dufus and Shirt got quite excited…

India and Liz had a fag.

Having met India, and being thoroughly loose-tongued (as it were) - dribble dribble, the friends returned to the queue to await the other guests.

Sally Faulkner was not going to appear.

India and Liz had another fag.

Ah well, thought the friends, we'll go and talk to India again - who by this time had been joined by the bespectacled figure of Andrew Cartmel.

India obliged the trio with photographs and seemed quite pleased with all the attention she was getting from the three charming gentlemen (if only she knew…)

Hanging around, was producer-cum-Ice Warrior, Jason Haigh-Ellery who was forced by Chalky and Shirt to sign their copies of Red Dawn.

India and Liz had yet another fag.

Eventually Peter arrived.

Much discussion ensued as to whether the young girl accompanying him was Miss Georgia Moffatt, daughter and co-star of Red Dawn.

They were never to find out, however, as she disappeared into the Vicarage Shopping Centre along with Peter's partner and baby.

It must be said that Peter seemed a bit…miffed. Never mind. The gang wandered along the queue, with Mr. Cartmel bemoaning the fact that no-one seemed to have brought along his one NON-Doctor Who novel.

Chalky flirted mercilessly with India and Liz, pointing out the fact that both of them needed to star in more Doctor Who things so that they could sign more that just the one CD cover. India, of course, is alright - being as she's got a job as the Doctor's latest companion. It's Liz who needs to get herself hired again.

Items signed they wandered out to chat briefly with Chris, who - again - had misjudged the queueing and was stuck half way to the end of another time zone.

He showed them a rather old theatre programme featuring Mr. Davison and wondered whether revealing how old he was when he saw the play would be a good idea.

Returning home, Chalky looked forward to a positive Nyssa-fest with missing Concordes, dodgy disguises, scary poltergiests, and freezing temperatures with very short skirts…mmmmm…


