Chalky and Dufus…

…Going Underground


The Curse of Black and White had struck again.

Shirt's inexplicable hatred for the pre-colour era of Doctor Who (despite the fact he has An Unearthly Child, The Mind Robber, The Seeds of Death AND The Celestial Toymaker reconstruction) meant that he had opted out of the What Shop's signing of The Web of Fear - to feature Deborah and Jack Watling.

That didn't stop him, however, from thrusting a couple of items on Chalky - out for what he could get, as always.


Chalky and Dufus wandered up to the What Shop. It would be the first time they had been there for a signing for ages, their preferred haunt now being 7th Galaxy. However, celebrities beckoned and they came.


Having been pleasantly surprised by finding Nicholas Courtney's autograph on their copies of Web of Fear, they joined the queue - or rather began the queue.

Eventually, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Watling all arrived.

But the signing was delayed. Apparently, wine and shepherd's pie are essential items for a signing.

So Chalky and Dufus waited.


In they went, and the items were signed.

Dufus almost caused a nasty wine spillage scenario when Miss Watling placed her wine glass on top of his video cover, and rather than sensibly remove it first (or at least ask Miss Watling to do so), Dufus went to do a sleight of hand wrist action on the cover, only to find himself almost toppling said wine glass. Disaster was averted however - more through luck than judgement.


Goodbyes were said, and Chalky and Dufus wended their way into the sunny afternoon.


