Welcome to the Hoosier AutoCad User's Group web page. We invite you to look around our site and get familiar with us. We are an entity that is dedicated to nobody but it's own members. Any advertisements that may be shown throughout our site are here only for the benefit of our members, there will never be any hot links to non CAD related sites!
Our MissionThe Hoosier AutoCad User's Group, (HAUG), is a non-profit educational organization whose principal objective is to further the effective application and integration of computer aided design/drafting (CAD). This objective is accomplished by holding regular meetings at which various uses of AutoCad, related hardware and software will be discussed and investigated. We exchange information on products that interface directly with AutoCad and keeps our membership informed of upcoming events or new developments Organization ProfileHAUG exists to spread information among it's members. We rely on AutoCad and other CAD related products to generate our careers. Many of us have taken this to the next level in order to increase production while decreasing time. Bringing these magnificent ideas to a group format is what HAUG is all about. HAUG is affiliated with AUGI, AutoDesk User's Group International, in that we garner information from them HAUG is affiliated with AutoDesk by the very nature of our core production. AutoDesk also donates materials to our group to enhance our membership. HAUG has been a long time comming. Indiana's Central and Southern regions have been long starved for a user's group like ours. We hope to see the membership grow fast enough that word-of-mouth marketing will be enough to perpetuate its existence. HAUG's founding members work in Indiana's Limestone industry. We are not limiting HAUG in any way to the AEC market because of this. We wish to have all SIG's (Special Interest Groups) represented with us. Our meetings will be designed to allow these SIG's time to flourish. Each meeting will focus a portion of it's time to a particular SIG. Contact InformationHAUG is an open group. We choose to keep it this way. If there is anything that you need to know about us please e-mail us. We will be more than happy to answer any questions.
This AutoCAD WebRing site owned by The Hoosier AutoCad User's Group.
Send mail to haug@engineer.com
with questions or comments about this web site.