SEPTEMBER 14, 1999

Board meeting..............11:20am to Noon

Lunch......................Noon to 12:30pm

Program..................12:35pm to 1:20pm

General Meeting...........1:30pm to 2:30pm

Board Attendance:

1:30 PM............The meeting was called to order by Diana Ronning at Cascade Park Vista in Tacoma.


Motion to approve the minutes from the June meeting was made by Gary Gorsha and seconded by Judi Benjamin. Motion was passed.

Treasury Report:

Disbursements $1,549.70 for IEHA/ISSA. for convention pkg., airfare and hotel for chapter president. Transfers $2,276.00 from Savings to Checking. Checking balance is $1,733.17. Savings balance is $1,243.65. Total Funds $2,976.82.

Motion to accept report as read was made by Bill Parshall and seconded by Judi Benjamin. Motion was passed.

Correspondence: Angelia new member. 2 people have not renewed their membership. Leo to look into this. Malcom did not receive his mailing, need to check his address.

Old Business:

Overview of the Chapter Picnic held 8-10-99. Need better signage (direction) at get togethers.

Unfinished Business:

Standing Rules to be rewritten. Changes discussed and okayed by Board. Final version will be presented at the next meeting.

New Business:

How to raise money? Diana asked for a volunteer to head up a Ways and Means Committee to address this issue. Leo Winburn will be the chair person Steve, Vivian and Judi will work with Leo to address this issue. One suggestion made by Diana was to do a joint Seminar with ASHES. We will look into this.

Gary Gorsha has encountered a minor problem with our Web Page, this will be fixed soon. We are fortunate to have Gary doing this project for us, it is coming right along. Reminder to all......Check it out. Address is included in the heading of the minutes.

We have six new members in our Chapter. We welcome You! Diana challenged each member to give out one New Membership Packet by next meeting date which will be 10/12/99

November's meeting place to be announced.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM

Respectfully Submitted by Judi Benjamin