April 1st: Fools Rush In!

Not only do fools celebrate... IG4 does too..... at your expense!

It is said that in the mid-1500's, someone chose a new calendar with the new year starting on January 1st instead of April 1st (Actually, everyone began celebrating the new year on March 25 for eight days--ending on April 1st). People who didn't realize or didn't feel like going along with the "establishment" continued to celebrate on April 1st and were called "fools" by the populace, sent fake invitations and were the object of pranks. You guys were not that bad, but still could be categorised in the same category.

With 3 weeks of preparation for the April Fool's day gag(view it here), IG4 had millions of ideas, but not one was fool-proof! It was just fortunate and timely for me that Eyes Spice's real outrage to close down their page was used to leverage on the gag! Seriously, if it wasn't for the seriousness for his note, and the little tiff about the amount of work we (ES & myself) have to put up here, there was no way you guys would have believed that I was going to close down: with regular weekly updates and all! Thanx ES, feel free to join IG4, I could use some extra manpower!

IG4 received various mails from people, who wrote in to say how they love our pages and asked us to stay! Some were very sentimental, others requests, and still others were rational and one was demanding it! The strong baatcheet discussions you guys had, the guestbook logins, where some people were trying to flatter us, the others trying to infuriate, was really hilarious! The motive: to get us up.... if we had closed down that is! For all you guys, we are back, and here to stay.... actually we never left!

Shux, IGs... you gotta be a lil better than that. I think I shud have said something like: the new Pentium III would give us smaller days(see picture below), you guys would still have believed it! And while I am at this.... I might as well confess: I am Moi3. Pa2 did find me out (read Baatcheet for more details). Boy, is he smart or what! Oh, and yeah room-mate, do keep on going on those 'painting-the-town-red-routines', so that I can update the pages on friday nites.
IGs have seen us so far!

You can still mail me atIGexplorer4@hotmail.com or write in my guestbook which is open for public view, here