"Sleazilla: Sleaze does Matter!"

WIN IG4-Sleazilla Tee-Shirts!

* All IGs are eligible to become a Sleazilla: Sleaze monster by taking part in Sleazilla.

* Entries will have to have sleaze about the IGs (in and outside campus), with a certain degree of truth. Fiction is encouraged as long as it is believable.

* Any number of entries are allowed.

* Winning Entries will have to be creative, sleazy. Additional points will be given to entries that are out-of-the-blue shocking and for truth.

* Frequent Sleazillas (Sleazilla-winners) will be given a Most Valuable Sleazilla award, at the end of the year.

* IG4 will decide on the winner every 2 months. And its decision will be final. Entries will NOT be returned to entrants.

* All entries will become IG4 property upon submission and be used on IG4 sites.

* Sleazilla contests will be conducted every 2 months. Winners can be made anonymous/known as per the winners' wishes.

* The bi-monthly prize is an exclusive IG4-Sleazilla Tee-Shirt, distributed by the current IGNet Webmaster.

Arise, Awake and Stop not till you get the sleaze!

Become a To be a Sleazilla-Sleaze Monster Instantly participate in SLEAZILLA-1 (March'99-May'99), click on the submit-icon the left NOW.



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