your picture here
Who were you expecting? Ramu-chan?
No frrrrrreakin' duh!
Who is cooler other than ME?

So things will be less confusing, i will state why I am the coolest anime chica of all time in THIRD person...

OYUKI (::nudge nudge::: thats me) is so cool because she's the queen of an icy planet. According to an ancient ice queen legend, she goes to earth to retrieve her slaves. She wears a white kimono and has icy blue hair and red eyes. I, i mean OYUKI, seldom changes her outfits (and why the hell should I?)

Oyuki always makes cool products on her planet so that she can make business transactions with other planets so she can get her money. However, Oyuki is stingy and overprotective of her products and her earnings (damn right!) and will flip out if either is tampered with.

Now to the main reason why I'm cool...I mean why Oyuki's cool...when she flips out, you never see it coming, however, I think Lum always sees it coming, but never escapes it. Since Oyuki's facial expressions and voice never seem to alter, when the ice and wind and snow blast hit hits you. In fact, when Oyuki appears on the scene it starts getting cold.

Oyuki is one stone cold bitch, however, and has many of the UY cast terrified of what she's capable of. She can tolerate most anything, just don't mess with her business. Then things get ugly. What else is cool is that Oyuki's soft and almost nurturing voice is the same voice she uses when she's about to just don't mess with her.

And she's got the coolest group of friends! Benten, Lum and airhheaded Ran. Sure, Oyuki loves them to death (not in a literal sense) it's just that Benten's awful judgement and Ran's stupidity, and Lum's being at the wrong place at the wrong time, just causes Oyuki to act all quirky. Besides, what can be better than having a group of friends that are terrified of you and your spiteful, stingy ways, hmm?

Oyuki has a slave named Be-boy, who may be in love with her, but she could care less. In fact one doesn't know if he's a slave, or just a willing servant.

Oyuki is the coolest chica in anime EVER and can never be replaced. So geddoverit Lum fans. =)

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