Urd--Cool Anime Chica Number Four!
Urd, the dazzling goddess of love is without a doubt one of the coolest chicas in the anime universe...but she's still only number four.
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You know this chick's up to something.
Urd is one ass kicking lady...
Oke, fellas. Don't make me have to hose y'all down. >_< We're aware that Urd can put many a supermodel to shame, however, Oyuki has picked Urd as a cool chica for much BETTER reasons.

Firstly, Urd's intentions are to help out. Which is cool. The fact that she only muffs up everything she basically touches, is just one thing that is cool. I know it makes no sense, but Urd's not supposed to make sense anyway.

Ya see, Urd is Belldandy's half sister, which is a good thing, since Urd is half good and half bad. The fact that Urd has evil blood running through her veins is what makes her an imperfect goddess...which is why her love potions never work, and every good thing she tries to do seems sinful (except of course when she calls Skuld a "smart-ass little brat"). >_<

Urd's wardrobe is dynomite too. She surely dresses better than her angelic sister, that's for sure. Urd's all about style, and some think Urd is some sort of slut, but she definitely is not! Half the time Urd doesn't even notice the guys drooling over her, which is cool, since cool anime chicas have better things to do.

And what else is cool about Urd is that she's the oldest but still acts totally immature! And it's GREAT! Urd is really funny and she always says childish stuff. Urd brings all of the fun into Oh My Goddess that Belldandy sucked out of it! So kudos to Urd, the Number Four Cool Anime Chica of All Time!

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