Shampoo--Cool Anime Chica Number Three
Shampoo is definitely the second coolest character created by Rumiko Takahashi (after ME) and for that reason I have made her the #3 Cool Anime Chica!
your picture here
I'll tell you right now. She's not as dumb as she looks. >_<
Aiyaaaaa what kickass anime female you have!
Undoubtedly a kickass anime female. Shampoo is nearly as cool as I am (but not cool enough) and she sure is cooler than all those other Ranma Ran-chan (as adorable as she is) and Akane...please! They are NOTHING compared to this Chinese chica.

First of all, Shampoo just talks cool. "Aiyaa!" and "Nihao!" are all cool catch phrases for cool anime chicas. Secondly, she dresses so well. They look like DKNY silk pajamas!

Shampoo's coolest characteristic is that just when you think she's being stupid, she's really being cunning and manipulating and always has something up her sleeve. Shampoo is NOT stupid in the least, it's just the way she looks and the way she speaks that give people the impression that she's a flake. Well, only a cool anime chica could overlook such stereotype!

Let's not forget the way Shampoo treats the crap he is! "Shampoo have no intention of date with you!" Damn right! You go girl! Come to think of it, Shampoo treats just about everyone like crap, except Ranma. That's what kept Shampoo from getting any higher...she just needs to get someone better. She needs to get a guy that's ALWAYS a guy. >_<

So there ya have it...Shampoo from Jusenkyo...the third most cool anime chica of all time! And why not...did you see how she beat the hell out of that Mao Lo Lin cat bell?

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