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Pipe Tips

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Smoking a pipe is more complicated than smoking cigarettes or cigars. The new pipe smoker should learn some of the basics about the device he is smoking and the procedure used to derive the most pleasure and satisfaction from it. This involves learning the basic parts of the pipe, how to load it, how to smoke it, and accessories that make life easier while doing it. These may seem to be a chore and complicated, but they become second nature with practice and enhance the experience greatly.

The hobby of pipe smoking loses many newcomers because of the discomfort caused by improper selection of pipes and poor smoking technique. With a little help these future pipe smokers could be enjoying the experience and deriving more satisfaction and greater health benefits from their pipes than smoking cigarettes.

I have divided this section into two parts. The first will be a discussion of pipes and accessories. The second will be about tobaccos. These will be verbose, but I will try to throw in a few graphics to break the monotony. For a complete list of links to other sites that I find informative and enjoyable on this subject, please visit my links page for this section. Now, on with the show!

I just can't pass up this opportunity to solicit some feedback from you.

PipeSmoke Ring
Provided by: Spiderlinks.Org
Ringmaster:  Jack Tompkins
Site Owner:  Jerry Kimmel
Ring Home:  http://www.jack-tompkins.com/Pipes
Join:  PipeSmoke Ring

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