Shanghai Theatre Academy

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Department of Dramatic Literature

Dramatic Literature, B.A., 4 years
Art Composing and Directing, B.A, 4 years

Major Courses:
Critique and Writing of Theatre Theory
Introduction to Drama
Introduction to Arts
Aesthetics of Theatre
Introduction to Chinese Traditional Opera
History of Chinese Traditional Opera
History of Chinese and Foreign Drama
Chinese Literature
Foreign Literature
Analysis of Plays
Selecdted Reading and Analysis of Theatre Theory
Analysis of Films
History of Film Idea
Fundamentals of Acting
The Spirit of Chinese Tradtitional Art
Theory of Twentieth Century
Program Composing and Writing
Directing for the Stage
TV Art
Introduction to Art
Screen Design and Lighting
Fundamental TV Photography
Visual and Aural Language
TV Program Making
TV Program Producing
Classic Chinese Literature
Modern Chinese Literature
Classic Foreign Literature
20 Century Foreigs Literature
Views of Films
Analyses on Classic Films and Movies Classics

  FOUNDED in 1945         One of the highest theatre educational institutions in China