About Jon

All about me...

I'm a type 1 diabetic, diagnosed in 1992.  I have put up this website because people keep asking me about diabetes, so I figured it would be easier all the way around to center all the information I could get into one location, for easier access.

I am the only diabetic in my school system at this time ('99 - '00 school year) and have been since my diagnosis.  Many of my friends I have had since 1st grade, when I moved to this area.  I wouldn't trade them for anything, they're the best a person could have.

I am an advocate for the American Diabetes Association, but do more advocating during school breaks.  I collect signatures for the diabetes petition, and actively participate for the "Walk for Diabetes" every year I can.  I play baritone horn and trumpet in the school band, and I also play in the marching band.  I am the manager for the Diabetes Community on the MSN Community thing-na-ma-bob.  I am on an insulin pump, so hopefully (maybe?!?!) I can achieve better control of my currently erratic diabetes.

While looking at the communities, please also visit the Diabetes, Hypoglycemia and Transplant Corner.  This is a larger, more "creative" community.