Hey, hey!! Yes, I'm updating, be proud of me! I've moved on, I'm sorry (sort of) to say, and (obviously!) no longer edit this page/site/whatever... Lorey's is now just one of those floating island sites that someone occasionaly stumbles onto and says, "Whoa, that's bad." I had hoped it would never come to this.

I've considered taking Lorey's down, leaving nothing in its place but a link to my newest web obsession, .:argent_rain:., but it just doesn't seem right, does it? To deny the world of my beginner-html site that was created -several- years ago, and since has been abandoned.

Well, thanks to some recent and minorly unpleasant events, I have done a small update to this site. But my life has moved on, and so have my web designing skills, let's hope... Lorey's was fun, but... its days are over.

Visit me at .:argent_rain:., or send me email. I'd love to hear from all of you.

No, this isn't a counter; it's going backwards.
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