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Children's Vaccinations

 In Denmark the law specifies that: 

bulletAll children aged 0 to 5 years are offered 7 health checks at the family’s GP.
bulletAll children and youths are offered free vaccinations against a number of diseases by the family’s GP.

The above health checks and vaccinations are optional, and both are free. It is important for a child’s health that the vaccination programme is followed and that you accept the offer of free health checks. Your GP will be able to tell you more about why the vaccinations are needed and about any side effects.

The schedule for health checks and vaccinations are presented in the table below.

If your child has already been vaccinated and examined as part of an earlier programme then you should talk to your GP about how to continue in the new system.

The Di-Te-Ki-Pol vaccine protects against diphtheria , tetanus, whooping cough and polio.

The vaccine against whooping cough, which was previously given separately, is now given together with Di-Te-Pol. It is given for the first time when the child is 3 months old. The new vaccine has fewer side effects than the old one.

MFR-vaccine protects against long term sequelae following measles, mumps and German measles.

Hib-vaccine protects the child against some forms of meningitis and against inflammation of the larynx.

Di-Te vaccine is used for revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus.

Please note that the polio vaccinations previously given at 2, 3, and 4 years of age have now been withdrawn, or at least are in the process of being phased out.

Always consult you family doctor to clarify any medical information.








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Last modified: April 03, 2002