Breaking the Chains (of Command)

On Monday I broke down and borrowed my grandmother's car.  It was the first time I'd gotten behind the wheel of a car since I passed my road test over a year and a half ago.  The radio didn't work and I was kinda cramped because I couldn't get the seat to go back.  My grandmother isn't exactly the neatest person on the block so the car was a mess.  But you wanna know something?  (You might as well say yes, I'm going to tell you anyway.)  I loved it.  I really enjoyed being behind the wheel despite the idiots driving around me.  I SO have to get a car.  It's my new mantra.  Well that and Kill Fowley now.

An update on the stolen check situation.  I FINALLY got a copy of the canceled checks and was able to file a police report.  So tomorrow I will be calling the bank to see about getting my money back.  The person who stole my check didn't even TRY to forge my signature.  They just pretended to be me.  The check was cashed at an actual bank.  Which means someone either had fake ID in my name or a friend who worked at the bank.  If that's the case I hope they get fired and arrested.  It's been a hellish 3 weeks trying to get my money.

I also got hit by a car yesterday.  Grrr!  Fortunately, it wasn't that serious.  Just a bruised knee and ego.  I haven't been having the best of luck this week.  Maybe it's a conspiracy.  You know I thought I smelled cigarette smoke but when I turned around no one was there.

Well enough about my RL troubles, I'm at the island now it doesn't matter. So on to the "show"

The X-Files:  Fight The Future:  Breaking the Chains (of Command)

Abbreviations to date:
Caveman 1:  CM1
Caveman  2:  CM2
Boy 1:  B1
Stevie (a.k.a. Boy 2):  ST
Boy 3:  B3
Boy 4:  B4
Captain Miles Cooles:  CMC
Men in Biohazard suits:  MIB
Dude with Tie (Bronschweig):  DWT
Deputy Type Guy:  DTG
Skinner:  Sk
Generic Agent Type 1:  GAT1
The Big Cheese (AKA S.A.C. Michaud):  TBC
Scully:  S
Mulder:  M
Rent-a-cop 1:  RAC1
Generic Agent Type 2:  GAT2
Nameless Agent:  NA
Nameless Agent 2:  NA2
Irritating, annoying, wench:  IAW
Bartender:  Bar
Mystery Woman:  MW
Kurtzweil the old man:  OM

Number of times Scully has called Mulder by his last name:  21
Number of times Mulder has called Scully by her last name:  7

Number of cigarettes lit by CSM:  1

Montgomery County

Several cars can be seen driving over a bridge.  Why is this scene here?  I have no bleepin' idea.  It must be an X-File.

Bethesda Naval Hospital
4:04 am

M and S walk down corridor and are soon stopped by a low level flunky in uniform who obviously has drawn a bad slot on the duty roster.

Private Flunky (PvtF):  ID and floor you're visiting please.

M:  [flashing ID]  We're going to the morgue.

PvtF:  The morgue is currently off limits to anyone except authorized medical personnel.

M:  On whose orders?

PvtF:  General McAddie's.

M:  General McAddie is who requested our coming down here.  <This does not sound right.  Score one on the bad grammar scorecard for M>  We were awakened at 3am and told to get down here immediately.  <Your nose is growing Mulder.  You really don't need the extra nasal area.>

PvtF:  I don't know anything about that.  <That's because he just made it up.  On the other hand you're just a low level flunky.  Why would the General tell you any more than you needed to know?>

M:  Well call General McAddie.  <Nice bluff Mulder>

PvtF:  I don't have the number.  <Note to General McAddie.  Don't send PvtF on any sensitive missions.  He'll crack with a hard glare and a beating with a wet noodle.  You couldn't try to BS your way through like M did PvtF?  On the other hand I have a deck of cards and some money, would you like to play poker?>

M:  Well then call the switchboard they'll patch you through.  [PvtF stares at M blankly then looks down at his clipboard]  Jesus.  You don't have the switchboard number?  <We don't know PvtF's first name but I'm pretty sure it isn't Jesus.>

PvtF:  I'm calling my C.O.  [He moves to pick up the phone]

M:  [grabbing the phone from PvtF]  Listen, son, <snicker> we don't have time to dick around while you demonstrate your ignorance in the chain of command.  The order came directly from General McAddie, you call him.  We'll conduct our business while you confirm authorization.  [He walks away.  S who has said nothing so far walks with him.]

PvtF:  Why don't you head on down and I'll confirm authorization.

M:  [to PvtF]  Thank you.  [to S]  Why is the morgue suddenly off limits on the order of the General?

Scene cut to the morgue

S:  This is one of the firemen who died in Dallas?  <Why is the body is at Bethesda anyway?>

M:  According to the toe tag.

S:  And you're looking for…?

M:  A cause of death.  <Note to M, that is usually determined by an autopsy.  Oh that's why you dragged S out of her bed.  What is S your personal coroner as well as your personal physician?>

S:  I can tell you that without even looking at him.  Concussive organ failure due to proximal exposure to source and flying debris.  <No chance of you saying that in English huh?> Mulder, this man has already been autopsied.  You can tell by the way he's been wrapped and dressed.

M ignores S <there's a surprise> and unwraps the body anyway.  It, like the body that DWT and CSM were discussing, can be seen through as well.  It too is slimy and nasty.

M:  Does this fit the description you just read me?

S:  [looking at the body]  Oh my God, this man's tissue Mulder….

M:  [interrupting] It's like jelly.

S:  There's been some kind of cellular breakdown.  [snaps on the latex then runs two fingers over what used to be the man's chest]  It's completely edematous <edematous adj. from edema and excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissues.  Serous: containing secreting or resembling serum.  Just in case anyone else was wondering.  I know I had to look it up.>  There's been no autopsy performed here.  No Y incision, no internal exam.

M:  You're telling me that the cause of death in this report is false?  <No she's saying she's dumping you for Sk because he's a real man and because he listens.>  That this man didn't die from an explosion or flying debris.  <I wonder if M just wants S to say that the report is false or if CC is trying to beat us over the head with the obvious.>

S:  Mulder, I can't tell you what killed this man.  I'm not sure anybody else could claim to either.

The doors burst open in ER style except that we already know that the person on the gurney is dead.  M and S wheel one of the bodies out of cold storage to get it to an examination table.

S:  Mulder you knew before we got here this man didn't die at the bomb site.

M:  I'd been told as much.

S:  You're saying this is a cover-up?  Of what?

M:  I don't know.  <Now there's something you don't hear everyday, M, or any man for that matter admitting that he doesn't know something.> but I have a hunch that what you're going to find isn't anything that can be categorized or easily referenced. <I'm sure S is glad you threw that back in her face M.>

S:  Mulder, this is going to take some time.  <Yeah, what do you think you just press a button and presto instant autopsy results, just add water.>  Somebody's going to figure out sooner or later that we're not supposed to be here.  <I'd guess later.  PvtF doesn't seem too bright.  And he's easily confused>

M:  We are being blamed for this man's death.  <Ya think?  I'm so sure that S needed to be reminded of that.  It's not like she's well a member of the consortium.  Hello!>  I'd like to know what he died of.  Wouldn't you?  <An obvious ploy to tug at her conscience.  M does that alot. Probably because it works.>

S turns away for a moment.  When she turns back M is already out the door.  <Does that count as a ditch?>

M sure doesn't ask for much.  He shows up a S's door, drunk, orders her to get dressed  then drags her to Bethesda, sneaks her past the sentry and has her perform an autopsy at 4am.  M owes S BIG time.

I still don't know what that driving scene was for.  Anyone have any ideas?

I think PvtF will be on KP duty after this debacle.   All he had to do was keep people out of the morgue and what does he do?  He lets M and S into the morgue with a little bullying from M.  What a WUSS!  I certainly hope the other members of the armed forces aren't as easily bullied as PvtF was.  Otherwise we are in deep doo doo.

Why are the bodies at Bethesda?  Is the consortium TRYING to make it easier for M and S to thwart their plans?  How likely would it have been that M and S would have gotten to a body and performed an autopsy if the bodies had remained in Texas?

How did M know the bodies were at Bethesda?  Did that Muldersense kick in again and no one mentioned it?  I don't recall OM mentioning the location of the bodies.  I don't recall ANY mention of the location of the bodies.  Frankly, I would think TEXAS would be the logical choice.  <Oops!  What was I thinking?  Did I say logical?  My bad.>

They really should have burned those bodies or something.  S is a pathologist the consortium KNOWS this.  Why would they even let the body stay anywhere NEAR a place where S could get her scalpel on it?

I'm confused.  Is M squeamish or not?  I thought he was.  Could it be that I've been reading too much fanfiction?  Or does M's squeamishness come and go as necessary to advance the plot?

Well, I'm sure there's more but I'm too tired to remember it.  Sorry.

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