Back in Texas Again

I know we're stuck in the middle of nowhere and you've got only hours until a very important meeting but this has the potential to prove the existence of alien life. Oh, did I forget to mention the alien part?

Scully:  We've got two choices.  One of them's wrong.

Mulder:  I think they went left.

Scully:  I don't know why, I think they went right.

Mulder:  Five years together, Scully.  How many times I been wrong?  Never.  Not driving anyway.

Never been wrong?  Does he really want a list?

General Punkesque Behavior

"I want you to let this person take a look at them."  That person?  Her name is Scully after all these years did you forget that?

Never wrong?  Hmmm, do the events in Jerusalem, Ohio ring a bell?  About driving is it now?  Do the events in Steveston Mass ring a bell then?  Probably not.

Mulder isn't the most observant partner one could have.  How could he not see how pissed off Scully was when she got out of the car at the railroad tracks?  As well she should since she had 11 hours to get back to D.C. for a hearing and instead of being on her way there or at home sleeping she's stuck in the middle of east bumblefuck with her crazy ass partner who hadn't bothered to give her all the details of the "case."  He actually has the nerve to be confused when Scully starts venting.

As usual Mulder waits until Scully asks before revealing the alien aspects of the "case."

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